.:36:.:The End:.

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"Okay but does he love you because you gave him that info, or because he wants to get his dìck sucked tonight, or because he...wait did you just say Vic is some sort of secret agent?" Amy asked, appalled, over the phone.

"Yeah, but that's beside the point. The health and safety of kids doesn't matter, what's important is my love life," I reminded her.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I can get carried away with irrelevant issues."

"It's okay, hun, but let's just focus on the first world problems here," I brushed off, not wanting to embarass her even more. Pedophiles who are at large? Pffft, who even cares? We all know that my personal issues are more relevant.

"So, how and when did he say it?" Amy carried on, finally giving me that much needed attention.

"I dunno, it was weird," I mumbled, putting another hot cheeto into my mouth. "He like hugged me while saying it and gave me this really cute look. Do you think he was serious?"

"Does it really matter though?" She asked, making me choke on my snack.

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed, sitting up on Vic's bed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but what difference will it make? You two basically live together and fùck on a daily basis, love won't change a thing."

"Honey, it will change everything," I said like it was obvious. "For example, we wouldn't fùck anymore. We'd make sweet, sweet loooove," I dragged out the word, making Amy giggle.

"Good point."

"And we'd, like, go on dates and stuff and be like a cute normal couple. I wouldn't have to hide him from my mom anymore-"

"From what I've heard, your mom doesn't really give a shit and she let's you do whatever you want," Amy reminded.

"I can do whatever I want except for having rough, kinky sex every day...without telling her all the details."

Just as Amy was about to reply, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of the front door slamming shut. Judging by the fact that there was no ringing of the doorbell beforehand, it must have been Vic.

I cut off my friend in the middle of her sentence, "I've got to go, Vic is home. Bye!"

"Bye, good luck. Get some dìck tonight!"

Just as I ended the call, none other than Vic casually entered the room. He nonchalantly nodded in my direction before slipping out of his jacket and walking into the bathroom.

I knitted my eyebrows. Wasn't he off doing something important...?

"Hey, Vic?" I called out to get his attention, not being bothered to get up.

"Yeah?" He yelled back, just as I heard the shower start up.

"What's up?"

Vic's head peeked in from behind the door with raised eyebrows and a weird look on his face.

"'What's up'? Really? That's the best you can do? Kells, if you want this dìck, just say the word."

"I don't want your dìck. Well, I do, but not right now. Actually..." I trailed off. "No, it can wait a few minutes."

"So, what do you want?"

"You said that you lo...nevermind. Well, you left the house after announcing that you're a secret agent on a mission to get evidence against some pedo," I was quick to remind him.

"Oh yeah, that," he recalled, like it was something which happened last month.

"And?" I pushed.

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