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The girls and I were currently located outside of Vic's house, yet out of the view of any of the windows or doors as we were hidden behind a tall bush as we sat on the floor. We were discussing plans for how to prove my innocence to Vic and, so far, the craziest plans felt like the ones which would work best. This had been going on for a few hours now and we were close to giving up, until we finally came up with something. It sparked from a tiny idea and was so reckless and stupid that there was no way for it to work, yet crazy and thought-out enough that it might succeed.

"Are you sure this will work? Like, this is probably the more insane thing I have ever heard and, not that I'm doubting you, I'm just worried about what will happen if we get caught," I wondered sceptically. I hadn't known Danielle for as long as the other girls had, meaning that they knew her better, so I needed some certain reassurance.

"Yeah, of course," replied Taylor with an explanation, "the Terrific Tomato is a fucking pig - she never even flushes the toilet - so there should not be a problem. Well, unless she decided to shower. The people who are left outside will distract her, though, and make sure she does not do that. So, who is going to be inside of the bathroom?"

"Kellin," defiantly replied everyone in unison. 

"What? Why me?" I argued.

"Because," Melanie answered as if it was obvious, "you're the main character of this book so you need to do all of the exciting stuff, otherwise it will get boring."


I sighed and collected the plastic container from Maria who, for some unknown fucking reason, carried closable cups around with her. What a strange woman...

The first part to the plan was getting me into the house without Vic or Danielle noticing. That was easy enough, as they were aware of the fact that the girls were out and would be getting back quite soon, so I could blend in with them before sneaking off into the large upstairs bathroom.

Lynn entered first, checking that the coast was clear, before leading me into the mansion with the other girls closely following behind. We figured that Vic was in his room, and Dani was with him, so we speedily made our way through the hallways. I quickly slipped into the bathroom before closing the door and sprinting over to the shower and hiding inside of the cubicle, behind the curtain. Luckily, it was slightly see-through on my side, meaning that I could see people, yet they could not see me. Now, all I had to do was wait.

For most of the time, I played Candy Crush and Best Fiends on my phone. I was starting to worry, as it was getting quite late and, so far, the only people who had visited this bathroom were Amy and Maria, who were only there to check on me.

I was getting extremely bored, to the point where I nearly even fell asleep, but the sound of the door opening caught me off-guard. I rushed to sit up again and laid my eyes upon the translucent shower curtain. From the confident stride, bitchy atmosphere and no ass, I could tell that it was Danielle.

As she crossed the room, she hummed the annoying tune to that Rihanna song which no one knows the lyrics to because it's only tired mumbling. I was pretty sure I heard some farts along the way too. I watched intently as she approached the sink and began to brush her teeth. Along the way, from her outline, I could tell that she was picking her nose and...did she really just do that? Yep, she ate it!

Next, she sat on the toilet, even more farts getting released from her wide asshole. I was grossed out by pretty much every single one of her actions, so I tuned out for most of it, only catching onto certain specific acts she performed (like using some strange cream on her vagina, probably in a desperate attempt to get rid of her genital warts). Luckily, after a while, she left the room and I desperately scampered out of the cramped area. Although, the actual bathroom was not a very good place to be either, as the shower cubicle at least protected me to that horrid smell of rotten eggs. Here, I was exposed to it at all angles.

Now came the worst part and the thing I dreaded most. I had to be as careful as Danielle on Kick A Ginger Day - not that being careful would help her anyway, as everyone wants to kick Danielle - but I really did not want to get my hands covered in piss.

I carefully approached the toilet, looking down to make sure that the water was yellow (although it did have some worrying green bit floating around in it). I pinched my nose with one hand and closed my eyes, before lowering my other hand and fishing until I felt the container fill up.

When I figured that there was enough, I quickly retracted my hand. I finally dared to open my eyes, and there it was: the plastic container filled with piss. My inner Bear Grylls enthusiastically chanted "drink it, drink it", but I decided not to listen to that voice for my own safety.

I remembered something Amy had mentioned about there being a spare pregnancy test hidden in one of the cupboards. All I had to do was find it, and then the secret would be out.

When Amy said that she 'hid' the test, she obviously did not do a good job, as I found it within seconds. I picked it up in my shaking hands as I sat on the closed toilet lid and gazed down at it. I had no idea what to do, so I simply followed the instructions on the box, until it was time for me to wait5 minutes.

And that was when the paranoia started to kick in. What would happen if the test came out positive and she was pregnant? None of us had thought that far. Well, I kind of did with the threat that I would cut Kevin's dick off with a spork, but that did not count.

It almost felt like I was the one taking a pregnancy test and waiting for the result. I would certainly make a great mother, but now was not the time for that kind of thinking. It was time for fucking worrying!

When the five minutes had passed, I almost did not want to see the result of the test. But I also wanted to know so badly! I was so reluctant though. What if it showed something I did not want to see? Well, I would either find out now or later.

As soon as I saw the result, I promenaded towards the door and swung it open in all of my might, and yelled out, "That skanky whore isn't pregnant, she's faking it; I just fished her piss out of the toilet and took a test and it's negative, woo!"

And, guess who stood right before me? Vic fucking Fuentes. Just my luck.

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