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At first I felt startled, as a loud noise echoed around my room, pulling me out of the much-needed sleep. I groaned inward and outwardly and rolled around, upon hearing the thunderous sound of Ice Cream Freeze by Hannah Montana: my ringtone.

My eyes blazed over the digital clock on my bedside table, telling me that it was just over 2 am, but my vision was still too hazy to determine the actual numbers. I hurried to the phone, not wanting to wake up my neighbours with the loud music. Mum had already left again, so I did not have to worry about her. It was quite lonely though.

Who would be insane enough to be calling me at this time of night? Everyone knew how grumpy I could get if awoken from my beauty sleep. This better be important.

I tiredly gazed down at the phone, having to blink a few times before I could properly read the caller ID as the blue light blinded me within the darkness of my room. When I did though, I instantly sprang to life. I was so confused. Why would Amy be calling me? I thought they all hated me, as they too were probably under the impression that I had attempted to hurt Danielle out of jealously. I turned on my lamp and wearily, I placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I started slightly cautiously.

"Kellin? Wow, I didn't think you'd actually pick up!"

"Well, you did wake my up," I pointed out.

"Oh, sorry," she apologised but I could tell it was only half-hearted, "Anyway, how's life?"

"You're calling me...at 2 am...just to ask 'how's life'?"

"Yes! I'm just trying to be nice, but you're obviously not up for it. I guess I'll talk about my life then," Amy brushed off in a posh manner, "Hmm, let me think... Mel dyed her hair again, Taylor ripped her favourite shirt, the Pugnacious Papaya and Vic are dating, I went shopping with Maria, Lynn us hooking up with her ex..."

"Wait, stop!" I nearly yelled. "What was that in the middle?"

"I went shopping with Maria...?"

"No, before that!"

"Taylor ripped her favourite shirt...?"

"After that!"

"Oh, right. Vic and that Traitorous Tomato are officially together. She's got him wrapped around her finger again."

I felt a weird pain in my chest and it felt quite familiar, but this time, it seemed so much more personal. It didn't take a genius to figure out that I was jealous. But jealous of what? Of their relationship? No,of course not! I was probably just jealous because now Dani had Vic all to herself and that meant no sex with him. Yep, totally just that.

"And, that's not even the best part," Amy almost giggled, "Vic wants to kick out all of the pets, because that Two-faced Tangerine wants a 'good environment for the baby'," she imitated Danielle's voice strangely.

"What? No! That just can't happen. It's so unfair! He can't make all of you leave just because of Danielle," I argued to no one in particular. I just couldn't wrap this around my head.

"He can and he will. We have until the end of next week," she replied sadly, then as if by magic her mood was lifted again, "but we have a plan on how to stop this. Let's meet up at the local Starbucks tomorrow at 3pm."

I sighed, "Okay, fine, but don't bring-"

"Oh shit! Sorry, I've got to go. I'll take all the girls with me, don't worry." And then the calls was ended.



It was quite funny to just watch a large group of girls, all wearing dark clothes and sunglasses like spies, attempt to look unsuspicious while entering the coffee shop, making their hands into the shape of a gun and acting like secret government agents. I could not contain my laughter and released a little giggle, watching in humour as Lynn tripped over Taylor's foot and would have fallen if it wasn't for Maria.

However, as soon as her eyes connected with mine, Melanie threw the entire act away and ran in my direction ejecting herself on top of me while screeching, "Kellybear!" I choked in surprise, my chair nearly tipping backwards from the impact, as the small girl sat on my lap and happily clung to my torso as if she did not just do something so weird in front of a lot of people.

Taylor sighed after pulling up a chair to my table, "Mel he's only been gone for four days, I've taken shits longer than that."

"Well, I still missed him. And no one cares about your diarrhea problems!" Mel replied with a hint of sass.

During this time, the other girls also pulled up chairs to sit around the circular table. Mel was still in my lap, and it didn't seem like she had any intentions to find her own seat, so I accepted it, and wrapped my arms around her as she turned around to face the others. She always liked to snuggle and I did too, so together we were like a dream team.

"Tell me everything!" I demanded, looking around at everyone.

Lynn was the first to speak up, "So, you already know about how those two idiots are dating and want us gone, but we're not going to give in so easily. We will fight back."

"Also," Taylor chimed in, "we know that you didn't try to hurt the Pretentious Pumpkin. You're too sweet for that, and we all know that she hates you enough to pull something like that and frame you. You wouldn't win in a fight with her anyway."

I decided to ignore the last comment for now. I considered fighting back, but knew that it was useless because she was right.

"Okay, great. So, what's the plan?" I questioned.

This time, it was Maria who spoke, "We all know how paranoid Vic is about getting one of us pregnant, so he always makes sure to get the best kinds of birth control pills and that all of us are taking them. Obviously there's always a chance that an anomaly will happen, but don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that Danielle got pregnant right at the time when Vic was completely ignoring her? We also counted back the weeks and realised that it was at the time when she was leaving the house the most."

This explanation made a lot of sense. Danielle probably only wanted attention from Vic!

"We have two theories about what might be up with her," Taylor continued informing me. "The first one is that she's completely making it up and there's no baby. She would probably fake a miscarriage later on and Vic would feel too guilty to break up with her."

This seemed quite believable. We all knew that Danielle was a crazy bitch and would go to extremes to yet what she wanted, even if it meant the suffering of others.

"The other theory is that she is pregnant, but it's not Vic's baby. You know how Maria said that, during that time, she was leaving the house a lot? Well we think we might know who the possible daddy is."

"Who?" I asked desperately, on the edge of my seat and the only thing keeping my from falling off was the light weight of Melanie.

"Kevin," they all said in unison (which kind of creeped me out).

"Kevin? Really?"

"Yep," Melanie spoke this time, "did you not see how they acted around each other when he came around?"

Now that I thought about it, they bahaved strangely when Kevin visited us. They were constantly making eye contact and then quickly looking away. I just knew that something was up!

"So, how can I help with this?"

"You used to date Kevin, right?" Lynn wondered, to which I nodded. "So you also know where he lives. All we want you to do is pay him a visit and ask about Danielle, just to find out if he is the daddy or not. So, are you in?"

That did not seem too complex. I knew exactly where Kevin lived and he was a rich guy with an amazing house, much like Vic's, so why would he ever move out of a place like that?

I gave all of the girls one last look, before biting my lip, "I'm in."

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