Chapter 47: Immortality

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Chapter 47


It was an interesting group I had to admit. Werewolves, vampires, a billionaire who claimed to be my brother, a wayward shape shifter named Scottie, who'd barged in minutes later with his werewolf mate who also turned out to be a psychologist and then of course who could forget this Grady character who seemed to have more mouth than sense.

Never had I ever thought I'd find myself in a room with a group like this. Never had I believed it possible. Not even when I'd found out what Rien was, had I known that such a variety of creatures existed. Creatures that thrived almost independently of the human world, yet blended in so well that we couldn't tell the difference.

It was bizarre and it was crazy and the younger, emotionally unstable me would have thought it was cool. Now my gaze traveled over the people who had come together to fight a common enemy. Who had families and friends who would fight in this war, and who would probably all suffer some loss. Selfishly, I found myself hoping that I wouldn't share the same fate. I only had one person, despite the friends I'd met overseas and the men I'd fought with who I called my brothers, I still only really had one person and if I lost him tonight it would be for good.

I looked at him now, standing by his own family, supporting those he cared about. Yet planning to go up against his own blood. It couldn't be as easy as he made it seem. He couldn't stand there, strong and tall and unwavering and lead me to believe that this did not affect him on some level. It was strange how after all this time I still knew him. Where others looked and saw only strength, I had always been able to see his weaknesses. I had always been able to see his fears and his flaws, and I saw them now.

It was in the slight tightening of his mouth despite his outward smile. It was in the tight clenching if his fist that no one had noticed, and it was in his eyes. He was brave and he would fight, but the thought of how this night could end terrified him. It terrified me too.

"Rien." I said rising from the bed.

He was beside me before my bare feet touched the cold floors and I looked up into his concerned face. I'd wasted all the time I'd had with him since he'd brought me back. So much time we could have had together, to learn new things about each other and to make every second count and I'd wasted it all out of childish anger.

I nodded in the direction of the door "Walk with me." I told him and all eyes followed us as we crossed the room and slipped out of their presence.

"You should be resting." Rien chastised halfheartedly, and when he was walking beside me along the corridor; my bare feet against the tiles and the air frigid and tense with what was to come, I reached over and slipped my hand through his.

He looked down at our joined fingers first, then into my eyes as though he couldn't believe I was allowing it, and I sighed. I'd wasted so much time.

"There's one thing I've always loved about you Rien." I began when we came to a stop at the very end of the corridor and our hand stayed locked together even as I climbed up onto the ledge and sat. He came to stand between my legs and I raised my free hand into his hair; long and black and as soft as silk. I'd always loved it.

"I believe you were about to pay me a compliment." He said, as he titled his head to look at me with a grin."

"I've always loved how you went out of your way to keep a promise to me." I told him, and he nodded once.

"Of course. I like it when you are happy."

I thought about this for a few minutes. The sounds of beasts preparing for war could be heard beyond the corridors. I heard the clang of weapons and the growls of wolves. I heard the shouts of men and women and the cries of children who no doubt had to be locked away while their fathers defended their home. The air was frigid, but it was still.

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