Prologue: Departure.

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To have a willing body warming your bed at night could possibly be every mortal man’s dream, but to have someone as succulent and innocent as Tony; unafraid and eager to please with a heart as pure as his soul was a hard thing to come by; yet he was mine. He’d given himself over to me completely and without doubts, making it viciously difficult to part ways with him; but I had no choice.

He wouldn’t survive an hour in my coven and it would be selfish of me to take him into my world completely unprepared. He was too flighty; too emotional and terrifyingly innocent.

It still baffled me to no end every time I thought of how far we’d come. Almost a year ago I’d thought of taking his life as he’d followed me through the streets of his old town.

He’d figured out what I was without even seeing me in action. He was a smart kid after all. Yet despite his knowledge I hadn’t been able to carry out the deed. Something about his trusting eyes and easy smile had captivated me and to this day I’d stuck by him and he by me.

As I stood on the roof of the abandoned hardware store, I watched him tear through the darkness with two men at his heels. He’d been stealing again. Always up to the same mischief and always expecting me to make it right and I suppose it was my fault; I’d spoiled him rotten; my little innocent one.

I continued to watch the chase. He was agile; that boy. Easily making his way through the crowd, twisting this way and that to pull himself out of harm’s way but while he was agile he wasn’t faster than the men following close behind him. His capture was inevitable and I suppose it was my time to swoop in and save the day like I always did.

A master class vampire playing baby sitter to a mortal boy; it was simply unheard of. How could I take him with me; amongst my own kind, when I couldn’t take my eyes off him for a second? They would tear him apart. He needed to change otherwise what we had was doomed.

It was that thought that left me unmoving as I watched the men latch onto the back of his shirt and pull him aside. Maybe it was time he learned to take responsibility for his actions. If I kept coming to his aid, how could he possibly change?

He tried to fight back, as I knew he would, but he was no match for them. I wondered briefly what it was that he’d stolen this time; it was always something inconsequential in my eyes; something I could have easily given him if only he’d asked, but I suppose it was the feeling of getting away with something his society deemed immoral that drove him. He was a rebel; it was in his blood.

I fought to remain where I stood as the men sought to teach him a lesson for his crime but I found myself gritting my teeth with every blow they landed on his soft flesh. Yet I was firm. This time he’d learn and every time after that.

It wasn’t to be so however, because when he screamed my name in fear I was helpless to his needs and without a thought I was jumping from the roof and to his rescue. The rest was history.


“Was she any good?” he asked as I gently laid the girl onto the soil at my feet. She wouldn’t remember a thing when she awakened.

I turned, appraising him with a bloody grin. “Delectable.”

“When are you gonna start drinking from me. I bet I’d taste better than any one of these idiots.” Tony grumbled. His jealously was always rearing its ugly head.

“I’ve told you. You’re not ready for that. What are you doing here so early? Don’t you have some form of mischief to get on with?”

He shrugged, a gesture he knew I hated, then pulled a small stack of papers from the waist band of his pants. I took them from his weak grasp, my brows furrowing when I commenced reading.

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