Chapter 21: Deals & Goat Blood

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Mae's POV

RED LOOKED AT US, HER brown eyes burning with power. It was a look that many of werecats had worn, but most of them were tyrants. Red is my friend. I thought. I only hoped she thought the same.

"Answer me." She hissed to my Uncle.

"Well... I was just... umm..." He stuttered.

"Well?" She said, clearly impatient. My Uncle glanced from Red to me to Dex. Red took the hint.

"Hullo, Red." Dex said, smoothly.

"Nickolas." She hissed, "I thought I told you to leave Dex alone."

"Well, I did. He was the one that let me in." Dex or Nickolas, said. 

"What do you mean?" Red asked, shocked, "Dex would never let you in, not without a fight."

"He gave up on fighting, but I suppose you won't be so easy to destroy." Nick sneered. Suddenly he shifted into a cat. Brown fur, and red eyed, he looked like he we was ready to kill.

"So be it." Red sneered. She shifted as well. She grew long white fur and she had the same glowing eyes as Nick did. 

The two powerful werecats looked at each other, ready to fight. I saw Nick readying himself for a pounce, right on Red's back. I hoped Red saw the the same thing. I saw Red brace herself, and Nick pounced, only not on Red's back, her feet.

Red yowled furiously as she was unbalanced. She scratch furiously at Nick but as soon as blood appeared, the wound healed itself. Nick bit Red, hard, on her leg. She screeched in pain. Her wound healed itself, only not as fast as Nick's did.

Nick then got to his feet, and hissed some words to Red, she panted heavily and she hissed back to him. Nick's ears flattened and he grunted angrily. Red looked thoughtfully, then she shifted back into her human form. Nick followed, her action.

"Werecats of the Pride. I've been offered a deal. Nick will leave the Pride and never return, as long as nobody in this camp, harms him." Red shot an icy cold glare at me, to let me know I was apart of his deal too, "If someone does, they will be destroyed, with no mercy. Along with this camp, and everyone in it. Do you, the people of the Pride, except?"

One by one the werecats nodded, until it came to my Uncle. He looked at Nick without fear. "I do not accept your offer, Nick." He said.

"An unwise move-" Nick started.

"I would rather you joined my Pride. You are a strong fearless werecat, if you joined then you would be respected by the werecats, not feared. Do you accept my offer?" 

Nick smiled a cruel smile then finally said, "Yes." Then he walked towards me. "You have poisoned me sister. You thought you could tame the cat within, with petty magic tricks. Sister, Dex wants to let you know, that all the death that happens, all the pain I cause, it is your fault, and he will never forgive you for it."

"Your Nick, right?" I asked, curiously.

"Yes, why must you ask this?" he said, thoughtfully.

"Why did you call me sister?" I demanded.

A grin, appeared upon his face. Not one of pleasure, but of wickedness, and hate. "You and I may not be brother and sister but there is someone inside of you that knows me, and you know them. You have denied their existence, for too long. You carry the same blood as I. The blood of the alpha, and there is no stopping the cat within." With that he turned away. My Uncle looked at him curiously but he ignored it. I saw him mutter something to the guard. He nodded and grabbed my wrist. I was too shocked from Nick's words to protest.

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