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I hate this. I hate this so much but you guys will love the shit our of it.

*Zayn's POV*

I sighed laying in my bed. It was 3 in the morning and it's been 3days since I talked to Niall. He's been coming over here everyday since then. I told my mom to tell him I didn't want company.   So we haven't talked again but he's been blowing my phone up as well. But he's a month too late.

I curled up in a ball and went to my photo gallery. And went back a little to when we would take photos together. It was just silly ones. But my favorite was the one I stuck my tongue out on and he made his eyes cross. It was a picture worth saving. I wouldn't ever delete it. That's why I haven't. Just when I pressed my home button my phone vibrated and it was Niall.

I don't plan on texting back but I was going to see what it said.

Niall: I can't sleep. Are you up?

He knew I wasn't going to reply. But he keeps trying and it's irritating. I don't want to be his friend anymore. You can't pick and choose when to be my friend. That's how he felt but that's how the situation is for me. I sighed.

I put my phone back and turned around. I shut my eyes tight then went to sleep.

When I woke up it was maybe around 10 and the doorbell was ringing but my mother was probably at work. So I was going to let them keep ringing because I was not going to get it. I knew it was probably Niall but then again it was probably the people coming to deliver a package or something like that.

They continued to ring so I got up and put some pants on and went down to the door.

I opened it but immediately closed it. "Zayn please." He said.

"Leave me alone Niall." I said.

"I talked to my mom. She said we need to air it out. We don't have to be friends but she said ending on bad terms is not good." He said and I sighed.

I opened the door and he came in looking down at the ground. I rolled my eyes before going up to my room.  Sat on the bed and he sat at my desk.

"You should dislike me. I'm not going to say you shouldn't because what I did was wrong. But please don't blame the reason you want to move out of the continent on me. That's a choice you make. And I understand that you care about your image. But that's not my fault my reason as to why I did that was  right." He said.

"Whenever you start taking the blame for stuff that you do then that's when we will make amend. Because I've taken responsibility over all my actions. If I would have never been your friend this would have never happened and see that was my fault. But your fault was becoming friends with the gay kid if you didn't list the outcomes and didn't expect what was next. Because all this shit. Do you see how clear our paths would be if we'd never become friends?" I said.

"Don't say that." He said.

"It's true Niall. I'm tired of it all. I've face the problem but now I am leaving. Probably in a few weeks." I said.

"Stop saying that." He sad.

"If I wasn't going to go anyways what would make you think I'd still want to be your friend? Niall get this straight I don't like you anymore. I don't want to hang out with you. We will never be friends anymore." I said and the water works.

He began crying and I looked away. This will forever be the saddest thing I've ever done. I've ever seen.

"Okay." He said. "I fucking get it." He said and wiped his eyes.

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