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*Zayn's POV*

All I do is run from my problems but I don't care. I propped on my bed and I went on my Instagram and I saw a post from Niall. It was a picture of a tattoo. It was on his ankle and it was a flower and the quote under it said "the flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly" and I smiled for a second before wiping it off. The caption for the post read 'not a day goes by that I regret the decision I made. for so long I denied you the love you deserved. forever in my heart, the one that got away.'

And I felt like crying. I did. It's been a wild month and I've been trying to forget about him and he's still in love with me. I want to do something. Every time I do though I feel dumb. I make myself look stupid and I do love the boy however much I say I don't it's always a lie. When I think about him too long it hurts. It hurts me so bad. I want to go to him now though.

So I got up and I went downstairs. "Zayn where are you going. It's 5 in the morning." My mother

"I have to see Niall." I said.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do? Remember-" she said and I nodded.

"I want to see him." I said.

"It is 5 in the morning though. Does he know you're coming?" She asked.

"Nope." I said.

"I want to express how much of a bad idea this is to you but I think that you already have the mentality that you don't care neither will you listen. You're on a mission and I respect that." She said and closed her room door back.

I left out the house and it was so dark and I just walked to his house and I stood outside and I sat against the side of his house and called him. He didn't answer the first time so I called the second he then answered very sleepily.

"Hello?" He said.

"I want to see you." I said.

"Zayn? Okay." He said and next thing I know the call was turned into a FaceTime call.

"Come open the door." I said.

"What?" He said.

"I'm outside." I said and he hung up and I went up to the door and stood there for a long while.

He came and opened it and he was standing there shocked. He was still half sleep. He pulled me into him wrapping his arms around my neck loosely. I just wrapped my arms around his waist.

We hugged for a minute or so and he pulled away closing the door behind me and locking it. We went up to his room and took off his shirt and shorts I'm assuming he fell asleep in and climbed back in his bed. So I pulled my shirt over my head and kicked off my shoes. He looked at me half sleep but half waiting for me to join him. So I took off my pants so now I was just in my underwear like him and climbed into bed next to him.

He immediately laid against me and was out like a light. I just held him closer to me and fell asleep with him.

When I woke up to a bunch of moving around. I opened my eyes and saw that Niall was yawning and he hand put his hand back on my chest and then he felt around on my chest and even tugged at my necklace. He looked up at me and his eyes watered and he covered his hand with his mouth. he opened up his mouth to say something and I shook my head for him not to and I used my thumb to swipe the tears from his eyes. He just laid his head on my chest and cried. We laid there until he stopped crying and he looked back up at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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