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*Zayn's POV*

I looked out the plane window and we were over Los Angeles. Maybe I need to have this type of life. I sighed leaning my head back. Maybe I'll meet another guy. Maybe they'll make me as happy as niall. Or maybe happier. But it's too many maybes and not enough definite answers.

I sighed again.

"You're so young to be unhappy." A lady besides me said.

"Depression picks no age." I said to her.

"What do you have to be depressed about?" She asked.

"People in my life. They aren't what they seem. You put your trust in them and they walk all over it." I said.

"You have so many years to get new friends." She said.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not going to mourn over old ones. Plus death doesn't discriminate against age either." I said. 

"You know what optimistic means? It mean being hopeful and having confidence about the future. What you're going through is called teenage angst. It happens take it from me I'm as old as dirt." She said and that made me smile.

"I'm more of a realist. I believe when you say it's teenage angst but I've never at all felt this in my life. And I know that something like this that I'm dealing with will follow me to my adult years. Because I wouldn't consider myself an average teenager." I said.

"Oh love, no teen does. And you'll always remember something that has happened dramatically in your life. But as for how you perceive things differently that doesn't stop you from being affected. It's going to happen. I have 10 grandkids to prove it." She said and I didn't want to talk to her anymore.

So I just sat quiet and she did too. I looked out the window often. I've always been afraid of heights but its not like a rollercoaster or something. Its a consistent ride. And when they're ready to land they turn very abruptly and fast. The same when they take off. And the shits scary but you know my mind is to jumbled up to even give a damn.

And they began to land. And I proceeded to close my eyes and breathe. Thinking was inevitable. So I did and soon we had arrived and I was suddenly over this whole getting off a plane routine. I had already been on 3 times already?

When we were getting off the plane I was very cold at baggage claim before grabbing my bag and leaving. I waited in the parking lot and waited for my dad to pull up. I whistled and hummed. When he pulled up I put my bag in the back and climbed in the front seat.

"You okay." He said and I hunched.

"I'll be okay."


"Are you the least bit excited?" He asked me.

"What do you mean I can't even breathe." I said and he laughed patting me on the back.

Yesterday was hard. More than hard. All I did was think and the jet leg didn't help. I'm trying to shut off all thoughts. All of them surrounding Niall at least. I'm kinda tired of thinking about him. Idk he hurt me and still was too dumb enough to understand it. I knew we were moving too fast. I knew this. I'm not going to kick myself when I'm down though it's not right. I deserve to be happy.

I got out the car when he parked and followed close behind. I walked in and there were a bunch of people there. Well kids around my age at least. 30 or so. They were all in cliques already. When I fell out to stand by myself I looked around and the building was quite abstract. But it was like a work shop room.

WallFlowerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें