Chapter 6 -1- ( Edited )

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 Maria's POV

I look at Nina And Daniel in disgust before yelling "UGH MY FREAKEN EYES!" They jump apart and look at me. Nina's face turns to a dark shade of red while Daniel glares at me for ruining his make out session. I smirk and say, "Daniel I don't see why your glaring at me if you wanted to make out with my beta then you shouldn't have done it on MY couch!"I could see his face turn a light shade of pink. I roll my eyes and walk to my kitchen. I pull out a wine glass and fill it with red wine. I know I'm under aged but I'm an alpha werecat it would take at least 10 full glasses of these to get me drunk plus this is my pack I can do whatever I want. I take a sip before saying,

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but what are you doing here?" Nina comes into the kitchen and grabs a glass and fills it with red wine and says,

"I haven't seen you in a while I wanted to see if you wanted to go out to town?" I take a sip of wine before replying,

"Okay but it's 9:17pm it takes about 1 hour and 30 minuets to get there so what do you plan on doing?" she takes a big  gulp of wine before replying, 

"Clubbing!" I smile and chug down the rest of my wine and say,

"Then lets get dressed"  I put the glass in the sink and called the others to see if they wanted to come.  In total we had Alexis,Alex,Logan,Sam,Tyler,Daniel,Nina an me coming. I dressed in a black dress that made my cleavage look a little bigger and went to my mid thigh. I had black heels with spikes on the back and a black bag. My hair was down and was curly. (external link 3rd outfit) Nina was dressed in a pink zebra dress that went to her thigh with pink and tan heels and her hair straight and went to her mid back. Alexis was dressed in a black and red dress that went to her mid thigh with black and red heels. ( Alexis the 1rst dress and Nina the 2nd dress). We pile in our cars and head off to the club.


We get to the NightShade club and right away get in. Nina had manage to get the guy to let us in for 50 bucks.  I know what you must be asking. How do you have all this money?Well 5 of the werecats here were from a rich line of werewolves that own businesses all over the world so when they left they took a good chunk of money that there parents had left them and took over 3 of the businesses that there parents left them before they had died. We had made a deal with the cats. I help them with there business and train and give them a home in the pack and we all share the money. Well anyway when we got in the club I went to the bar and orders two shots of tequila. Like I said earlier it takes a lot to get me drunk. I ordered this orange looking drink that was red on the bottom and turned light orange on top. It tasted really good. I was sipping my drink when to arms went around my waist the person smelt like vanilla and watermelon so it was Logan.

"Wanna dance?" He said in my ear. I nodded and got up. There was a bunch of people grinding and making out on the dance floor.  I really didn't care though I just wanted to have fun. We started grinding against each other and having a good time. I had more drinks and was a little tipsy. Tyler and Sam disappeared so they most likely got lucky and Alexis and Alex were at the bar and Daniel and Nina were making out somewhere. I was grinding against Logan and I could feel little him excited. I made my way up and started kissing and sucking his neck. He moaned and the next thing he said shocked me but excited my cat "Wanna take this upstairs?"

                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED                                                                 

Hello my readers! I have a questions for you all! Do you want Logan and her to mate or should she wait for her own mate? who's p.o.v should I do next? Logan's,Xaiver's,or Max's?


Picture is Logan

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