Chapter 23

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Maria's p.o.v

I could faintly hear my name being called but it soon faded away when I passed out.

I woke up in a long white dress.( External Link ) My hair was down to my back and my chest was perfectly healed. 

Where the hell am I?

I thought. 

" Hello child. "

I hear and angelic voice say. I turned around to see a stunning women. She had jet black hair the fell to her waist, sun kissed skin, and crystal blue eyes. She had the body of a model and her face was clear of any blemishes.

" Um.... hello? "

I said unsure of what to say. She just laughed and said

" I have been wanting to talk to you. "

She said. 

" Um no offense but that was a little creepy who are you? "

I said. She just smiled and said

" You might of heard of me I go by many names but for werewolves I am the Moon Goddess or Luna. "

She said. My eyes went wide and I bowed in submission.

" Sorry for all that I had no idea who you were I have never seen a picture of you.... "

I trailed off. She just laughed again and told me to stand up. 

I stood up and looked at her. She looked around 19 but I know she is WAY older then that. 

" Come. "

She said. I obeyed and walked behind her.

" Where are we going? "

I asked. 

" Somewhere where we can talk. "

Was her response. I nodded my head even though she couldn't see me. 

A few minuets later we ended up in a meadow. Different shades of pinks flowers were covering the ground. I smiled and stared at everything in awe.

" It's beautiful.... "

I whispered.

She smiled and said

" I knew you would like it here. "

I nodded my head.

" Come, sit. "

She said. I obeyed and sat on the ground next to her.

" So I have been watching you.... "

She said. I nodded my head even though I thought that was really creepy.

" And I see you are having family and mate problems.... "

She said. I looked at her and nodded again.

" I just wanted to give you some advice. I am not fate so I don't make the decisions but I did created werewolves and werecats and every werewolf and werecat needs a mate,especially an Alpha. Fates always have a reason and plan for everything no matter how cruel or how easy.... " 

She said standing up.

" Wait! Where are you going? "

I asked. 

" I have a job to do but you will stay here.  "

She said. 

" Am I dead? "

Werewolves and WerecatsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora