I'm just a human...(fingers crossed) part2

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“Fine just leave Autumn here.” I heard Pierces shaken up voice turn dark.

“You know, I’d rather not.” Jerk-face wickedly replied.

“Oh great” I mentally sighed knowing this would of happened either way knowing he’s my mate.


I tensed raising my hand to block out the sun light. Last night memories occupied my thoughts as I slid off the bed I must have been put in last night. I yawned quietly, creeping towards one of the two doors in the room. One being either a bathroom or a closet while the other most likely being my exit. Bingo!...wait, Locked! Well their go’s my big plan.

I crept towards the other door wedging it open slowly. Peeking in I saw a bathroom and well the normal things you would see in a bathroom. I stepped in gently trying to make as less noise as possible. I was mid-way through the door when my eye caught my reflection. Perfect curls fell down my back with plain green eyes…wait green eyes. Oh no… my contacts. So if I was wherein my contacts this whole time then jerk-face must not fully know that I’m his mate!

 I couldn’t help but put on a smug smirk before I continued to look around the bathroom for a weapon or something revilement and that guys and gals was when I spotted a small window above the toilet. Just my luck I snickered hoisting myself up on the toilet seat. I slide the window up softly while gently pushing myself through. That’s when I noticed I’m in the middle of nowhere.  By nowhere I mean five stories up looking at what looks to be the start of a forest and then beyond that it looks to be a sign of civilization, like a little town! I’m saved! Hallelujah!!! Someone up their must really like me.8p

I took my chances slipping a leg through the window while supporting myself up with the window ledge. Just as I was about to make my very long trip down I felt arms wrap around my waste. I snapped around trying to get out of the grip. I heard masculine laugh before I realized it was no other then Damien or in other words jerk-face.

“Autumn, what in the world do you think you’re up too.” Jerk-face smirked dropping me to the ground.

“What does it look like?” I remarked in an annoyed tone, mentally I cringed at the name Autumn, my names Sin and just Sin, but of course the buffoon gets it all wrong.

“Listen human, you don’t talk to me that way.” He spat.

Human?  Well that’s not true, but then again he doesn’t know that. For the meantime let’s just make him think that. I wore a smug smile before swiftly responding.

“If I’m human then what are you?” I asked daring him to say something back.

His mouth slightly gaped in realization of what he just exposed to a stranger, a human, or in other words what he thinks to be me. I stood their glaring as I waited for an answer. Instead I was lifted off the ground and thrown over a shoulder distracting me from are conversation.

I started kicking and screaming off the top of my lungs. It would be the only normal response of someone kidnaped and then dragged down steps.

“Listen sweetheart, we don’t need no police or trouble so I advise you to shut your mouth.” Jerk-face growled, sending a chill down my spine as his eyes grew darker.

“No you listen, shit-tart do you know who I really am…No you don’t because if you did you wouldn’t have taken me in the first place, there’s going to be more people after you then just cops bud, I’m not someone for you to freakin toy with and if you were so as to touch me you’ll be in deep shit.” I menacingly finished my sentence by punching/karate chopping him in the neck! I know I’m just that awesome, now how do you like them apples??!

Braking out of his grasp once my fist made contact with his skin, I made a run for it. Dashing down the steps until I just so happened to trip on the second to last step. Just brilliant. It’s like in the horror films when the victim is out in the woods and trips over something as stupid as a log while some creepy dude is chasing you. 

I felt the hands wrap around my waist to soon as I was hoisted up and faced towards a different direction. My mouth formed a small “o” as I looked into the eyes of a very pissed of Damien.

A/N: Hi buddy, buddy, buddy!!! Please comment, vote, follow, and what not!!!8Q You ROCK!!! P.S I’ll update once I get at least three comments and I would absolutely LOVE some votes, PLEASE!!! Come on peepz, I know you can do it!! Whoop, whoop!!!0.o  Also I want to here from YOU!!!(your feedback and responce would be greatly appreaciated) !!! Nyway thanx for reading and to my fellow commenters and supporters, you guys and gals make my day!!!8p

Thanx again to everyone!!!xoxo!!! FABULOUS!!! 8Q ~tastemerainbow


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