How do you like them apples!!!

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OMG I'VE NEVER HAD THIS MUCH COMMENTS!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! My updates will hopefully be quicker!!! Thanks for the support!!! You guys ROCK!!!8)

However this dude is, he is freaking perfect, if I had the choice he would probably be Jasper---->


Braking out of his grasp once my fist made contact with his skin, I made a run for it. Dashing down the steps until I just so happened to trip on the second to last step. Just brilliant. It's like in the horror films when the victim is out in the woods and trips over something as stupid as a log while some creepy dude is chasing you.

I felt the hands wrap around my waist to soon as I was hoisted up and faced towards a different direction. My mouth formed a small "o" as I looked into the eyes of a very pissed of Damien.


I flinched as he raised his hand up; I pinched my eyes closed as he had my two fists locked between his other hand, but instead of feeling pain I was lifted up and as quick as lightning plopped onto a bed in the same darn room I was originally put in! I looked up at him and he was shaking in anger and that surprisingly scared me even though he looked quite charming when he's angry. I wondered what it would look like if he was drinking milk (if you haven't noticed, all guys are hot when they drink milk, LOL8P) that's when I pretended to pass out! Wow, I've been doing that a lot, haven't I! I know what you're thinking, why don't I just turn invisible and then make an escape! Well genius, werewolves are known for having amazing senses of smell (just like dogs or normal wolves)so in the end he'll just sniff me out plus he'll know I'm not this little human he should just leave a lone for peats sake! I quietly just lay there as I heard footsteps fade and the sound of a slamming door!

I slowly peaked open my eyes and snickered to myself! I can't believe I pulled that off, I know I'm just that good (brush off shoulder)!

"Wow, he must be really stupid." I mumbled to myself all deep in thought as I made my way towards the window again.

I put both my hands against the glass and pushed! Locked, dammit, WHEN DID IT GET LOCKED! Well he must not be that stupid, but he's still stupid! Grumbling to myself I tried fiddling with the lock! You know how I'm actually a badass....... well locks are usually a piece of cake for me! Well this was freaking unbreakable even with my awesome super strength and criminal knowledge! I looked around the room for something I could smash the window with, but the room looked empty. Even the lamp that was once on the corner of the bed was removed. He must of token the lamp and clasped the window when I was pretending to faint! Dam him!!!

The only things left in the room were a bed and couple of pillows. That's when it came to me! In a rush I unzipped the mattress and pulled out one of the springs with my incredibly awesome super strength! Just perfect!


Hearing the lock snap open, I smiled to myself satisfied. Stealthily sliding out of the window like a ninja turtle(well not really a ninja turtle because they wouldn't of been able to get their gigantic shell through, so maybe just a ninja, but ninja turtles are cooler, too hell with it I guess!8Q) Nyway on with the story..... I slid down the roof using careful footing until I reached the bottom.

FREEDOM, WHOOP, WHOOP!!! The first foot I felt hit the ground I bolted! This was the time I hid with invisibility and ran faster than most wolves while getting gashes and cuts from trees until I've come into a clearing. Civilization at last!!! I turned myself back visible as I looked around at what seemed like a small town. Crossing the street I got many stares. I took a deep breath smelling most wolves who all had curiosity and only little humans around. I tried to blend in, but it seemed kind of hard to blend in when you're covered in blood, smell human, have a special gift of looks, and seem to just be crossing the street like everything's normal. Boy, must I look like a hot sicko serial killer!!!

Kidnapped by my mate...Big mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now