Chapter One

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A/N: Okay so i noticed that many are confused by the ages of my characters so here's the lowdown (i left this same explanation in the comments section but decided to put it here so you can all read it before this story starts). I'm from the Philippines and I based the ages of my characters on how old I was when I was a high school student (with the involvement of the old school age system I experienced before the new senior high system was even a thing here in my country which started like 2014 or something.) because, well, that's what I'm familiar with and I experienced it myself so i used that.

At my former school with the old school age system, from what I remembered, I started 2 years of pre-school at the age of three, and 2 years of kindergarten at the age of five. Then after that, there's 6 years of elementary/grade school, 4 years of high school and then college (college years would depend on the course). No senior high (no middle school either because i'm not american lol) during my student days because those weren't even a thing yet. So with that in mind, I graduated kindergarten at the age of 6 and was a turning 7 year old kid when I was in the middle of being a grade 1 student/a first grader. (6 years of grade school later...) I graduated grade school at age 12, and was half-way being a highschool freshman at a turning age of 13. (4 years of high school later...), I and most of my peers graduated high school at 16 years old. Started college when I was 16 turning 17 and was in the middle of sophomore year of college at turning age 18.

A lot of "turning of" age there because my birthday is in october (during my time, a typical school year starts at june and ends in march, so i started first grade as a 6 yr old, finishes it as 7 yr old and so on...) so there ya go! hope that clears stuff out!

Now, on with the chapter! enjoy! :)


Chapter One


Elise's POV

It's been a year and a half since I last saw my family and Charlie, it was Christmas when I last saw them and after that I've been busy with college. One of my closest friend and roommate, Kylie, is gonna graduate in a few months so I'm gonna be meeting a new roommate soon, and by new roommate, I mean, Charlie, I still remember that time we talked about her being my future roommate, I think that was during summer vacation before I went to college...



I saw Charlie sitting at her doorstep and moping so I went and sat next to her

"Hey, stop being so lonely, I'm not leaving forever" I said as I gave her a small nudge

"I know that" she answered "I'll just really miss you"

I smiled and gave her a big hug before messing up her short hair

"Hey! Stop that!" she said swiping my hands away "that's a lot of work in the mornings!"

I giggled "I'll miss you too Charlie" I said "and you better do great in your studies, Kylie's taking a vocational course so she'll only be my roommate for 2 years, after that, I'm gonna need a new roommate" I smiled to her "just in time since you'll be going to college then"

Charlie turned to me and smirked "you really think I could pass your college's entrance exams?"

I nodded "with flying colors" I grinned "so stop being so sad and I'll see you in two years future roommate!"

Charlie giggled

 I stood up, "I better get my stuff ready, wanna help?"

"No thanks, I don't want to get tired"

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