Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Elise’s POV

“We have to tell aunt Cath…” Charlie spoke, still with her arms protectively wrapped around me as we laid on the blanket in the middle of Charlie’s living room

“I don’t think I can…” I replied softly.

The truth is, I felt guilty. I felt like everything that happened was my fault and that if I tell mom about it, she would be angry and blame me or turn her back on me and disown me because I’m a disgrace, I’m scared that my own mother would leave me behind or worst. I’m afraid of hurting her

“You need to tell her Elise, she’s your mother, she has the right to know what happened” Charlie reasoned “and besides, with your mom's help, we can get James in prison without him bailing out”

Charlie looked at me and cupped my face, “Aunt Cath wouldn’t be angry, she would be supportive and caring, because she loves you”

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes, “Okay, I’ll talk to her when she gets home”

Charlie kissed me on the cheek, “I’ll be with you when you talk to her”

“…thank you” I whispered and closed my eyes and relaxed into Charlie’s protective but gentle embrace


Charlie’s POV

When we saw Aunt Catherine’s car park in front of their house, we quickly fix ourselves and went to Elise’s house.

We entered and saw Aunt Cath at the kitchen, she was just about to cook dinner, when she notice us enter the kitchen and gave us a smile, “You two finally made up, that's great! so what would you girls like for dinner?” she asked

When Elise and I didn't answer, Aunt Cath looked at us with distress, “Is there something wrong?”

Elise turned to me with eyes filled with hesitation and fear, I looked at Aunt Cath, “We need to talk to you right now Aunt Cath, is it okay?” I asked with a serious tone of voice

“Of course” she answered and followed us to the living room

I motioned her to sit down, as Elise and I sit next to each other. Sensing Elise’s fear, I decided to start telling her what had happened.

Aunt Catherine listened intently as I told her the small details, I told her that James and Elise broke up and that we were dating, which she took in well. When we reach the sensitive part of the story, Elise held her hand and decided that she should be the one to tell Aunt Cath what happened. I nodded and let Elise talk

Elise then took her mother’s hand and slowly began to tell the events that happened at that day. I bowed my head and closed my eyes as I began to hear it.

Elise started tearing up as she continued to tell her mom what James did and Aunt Cath listened intently and without interruption. During all of it, Aunt Catherine was tearing up as Elise talked and when she was finished, Elise bowed her head and cried as she tightly held her mother’s hand

“I’m so sorry mom, I should have told you sooner but I was embarrassed and afraid and-” Elise spoke softly through her sobs “I’m very sorry…please don’t hate me…”

Aunt Catherine, now crying, quickly embraced her crying little girl and gently shushed down her cries

“I could never ever hate you Elise, you’re my little girl and I will always love you no matter what...” Aunt Catherine spoke “What happened wasn’t your fault, it was never your fault and we will do everything to make sure James gets to prison”

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