Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Charlie’s POV

So Elise decided to sleep over tonight, and of course my mom and Aunt Cath didn’t mind. So we arrived at my house and mom wasn’t home, good thing I brought my spare keys

Elise entered and sat on the sofa, she looked at me and smiled as I walked towards her

“Want some hot cocoa? I would offer you dinner but I’m afraid of burning the kitchen”

Elise giggled “how ‘bout we just eat some cereal, like we always do back when we were younger”

“Yeah, that’d be cool, I’ll go get us some”

So I went to the kitchen and prepared two bowls of our favorite cereal, after that I went back to the living room carrying the two bowls, when I got there I saw Elise happily looking at all the stuff I gave her earlier, especially the music box

I stood and smiled as I watch her

Elise then noticed me, “what?”

“Nothing, you just look so cute!” I answered and sat next to her, I then handed her the bowl of cereal

Elise giggled and took the bowl, she sighed "I'm sorry" Elise spoke and looked at me

"For what?" I asked in confusion

"You know the other music box you gave me on my birthday"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I broke it...well, Kylie and I broke it but it was an accident" Elise explained "Kylie wanted to have it and i don't want to give it to her so she took it by force and after a struggle, it fell on the floor and broke and i'm so so sorry"

I looked at her with mock insult and she sulked on the couch with an adorable pouty expression, i smirked and pinched her cheek "It's okay, that one has a dull design anyway, this one's awesomer"

Elise smiled "yeah, it is and i promise not to break it, i swear"

"You better not or you'll pay me back the money i used to buy that" I joked

Elise giggled then she opened the new music box and watched as the little ballerina danced with the mellow hymn

“I missed dancing” Elise said before taking a spoonful of cereal

“I know you stopped because of your parent’s divorce” I responded “I just didn’t get the reason why you didn’t go back to dancing”

Elise then turned to me “remember back when I told you that my dad didn’t approve of me dancing because he thinks it’s just a waste of time?”

I nodded and Elise continued “that’s the reason why I didn’t go back, I begin to dislike dancing after my parents got divorced”


“Because they would often argue about it and when the divorce happened, I thought my dancing caused it, so I stopped”

I held Elise’s hand, “Hey, didn’t I tell you before that you had nothing to do with that? it’s your parent’s problem and it’s their responsibility to take care of it. That divorce was never your fault”

“I know that now, but I was a kid then, and I think any kid would have thought the same thing” she replied “and then years went by, I got busy with other stuff and totally forgot the ballet thing” Elise sighed, “come to think of it, I guess I never really forgot it, I just chose not to remember it”

I looked at me with concern but instead of pushing through, I made a detour to make our conversation lighter “For the record, I almost took ballet classes when we were younger” I said

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