Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Elise’s POV

“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” I said excitedly over the phone

“Me too! It’s gonna be one heck of a date!” Charlie replied with the same enthusiasm

A week has passed and today is the last day of Charlie’s grounding and today’s a Friday so we agreed to spend the whole day together tomorrow

“What are we going to do tomorrow?” Charlie asked

“Anything, just as long as I’m with you” I replied

“That’s so cheesy!”

And we laughed. I looked at the clock and saw that we’ve been talking for an hour now, which means, we’ve exceeded the 1 hour limit of phone conversation. I told Charlie about it and…

“Do we really have to follow that? It’s my last day for grounding! Please don’t hang up, I’ll miss your voice!”

I smiled to myself “We don’t have to follow it but I think we should”

“Okay, you lost me”

I giggled, “Think of it this way, if we talk for like the whole night, we’ll be tired and we won’t have anything to talk about tomorrow”

“I find that hard to believe” she giggled “and considering that you do have a “mini you” inside of you, I guess sleeping early would be good for you”

“Yes it will and also I’m kind of sleepy” I said “and I know you’ve been staying up late this past few days and having one night of good sleep would be good for you”

“How did you know I was staying up late when you sleep early?”

“I pee at around 2 am Charlie and your window might be covered with curtains but I can still see the light from your TV”

“You’re staring at my window at 2 in the morning?” Charlie gasped jokingly “Stalker!”

“Yeah, I’m the stalker, says the person who sends me messages every 5 hours and has pictures of me all over her room” I giggled

“Hey! Those pictures of you had me in them!” Charlie said “and those messages, well, I just love you too much to not leave any”

“Aww! So sweet!” I said ”Just for that you’re buying me lunch tomorrow”

“I’d be happy to, I’ll even buy you ice cream!”

I giggled, “okay, I need to go, bye! See you tomorrow! I love you!”

“I love you too!”

I hang up the phone and laid on my bed, I then gave my belly a gentle rub, “heard that?” I spoke to the baby growing inside me, “We’re spending time with your “cool lesbian aunt” tomorrow, it’ll be great. You’ll be able to hear her beautiful voice and I hope you’ll love her as much as I do” I smiled and turned off the lamp, “and when the time comes, you’ll be calling her mommy too”

I smiled as I pictured the idea of us living happily together with this baby and soon enough, I fell asleep

The next day, Charlie and I decided to meet at the park and plan whatever we want to do there

I was there a few minutes early, so I waited at the bench under a shade and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. A few minutes later, I heard a familiar voice call my name, I looked and saw Charlie, smiling and waving as she ran towards me

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