Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Elise’s POV

After dinner, we sat on the raft and dipped our legs into the water

“Whoa! This is cold!” Charlie said

I looked at her and chuckled, “of course it’s cold! It’s like past 8 pm, everything is almost always cold at night”

Charlie smiled, “You know what would be fun to do?”


“Eat that black forest cake” Charlie said nonchalantly

I smiled “you read my mind”

I stood and took out the food container from the bag plus two forks, then I went back to my previous seat and handed Charlie a fork, I opened the container and we dug into the cake

“This is delish!” Charlie said

“It is but not as great as those pancakes you cooked for me” I said

Charlie stopped eating and turned to me, “you ate it huh?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, I was expecting it to be gone before you wake up since Kylie was practically begging me to give it to her” she chuckled “I thought she would eat it after I left”

I laughed “I’m so sorry about Kylie, she can be such a pig sometimes”

“It’s alright, Kylie a great person to hang out with, definitely the life of the party”

“She sure is”

Then a gush of cold wind hit the both of us, instantly giving us chills

“Wind’s getting colder” Charlie said as she put the fork down and tried to warm herself

“I have something for that” I stood and pulled her up, then I grabbed the thermos from the basket and lead Charlie back to the boat

“Okay, what are we gonna do here?” she asked

“Just sit there for a bit” I said and handed her the thermos then I went to my bag pack and took out the thick blanket I had prepared earlier

I went and took a seat next to Charlie, then opened the blanket and covered the both of us

“Ta-dah!” I said “I know it’ll be really cold out so I got this prepared earlier”

“Spoken like a true girl scout!” Charlie teased which earned her a light slap on the shoulder

She laughed then went ahead and took the thermos from me and jokingly pouring it on the lake

“Hey! Give me that thermos!” I yelled playfully as I took the thermos from her

I opened it and poured some hot cocoa on the cup and handed it to her

“No, you take the first sip” Charlie said

I smiled and drank a little then handed it back to her. Charlie took it and started drinking.

I watched as her lips touched the end of the cup and my mind went back to the night I kissed her

Her warm, soft lips pressing against mine, it felt like heaven but still, I feel guilty for forcefully kissing her

I sighed “I’m sorry Charlie…” I spoke apologetically

Charlie stopped and quickly turned to me, “For what? This has been a great night” she grinned

Taking ChancesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ