3° Little Miss Stalker

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(Edited: July 25, 2019)


(Y/N)'s POV

It was a Thursday afternoon and I seriously have nothing to do. Because of boredom, I opened my Instagram account and stalked some people.

After a few minutes of stalking, I ended up in Niall's instagram account and started scrolling. Even I am with him 24/7, I still get those butterflies and I can feel my cheeks burning while looking at his photos. I even started doing some screenshots.

“(Y/N), I'm home!” I heard Niall said after closing our front door. Then I heard his footsteps getting closer to the living room and I started to panic. I was trying to put my instagram account back to my home page but my phone suddenly stopped working.

“There you are! Miss you princess.” He said walking to my direction. I quickly hid my phone on the back of my pocket and stood up from the couch

After kissing my right cheek, he lift a brown paper bag on his left hand.

“I went to the groceries and bought us some snacks for our movie night later.” He said while walking over to the kitchen

I checked on my phone if it's already working but it's still at Niall's account. I tried restarting my phone but nothing is happening.

“Hey!” Niall said making me jump in surprise and accidentally dropping my phone.

“Niall you scared the hell out of me!” I said picking the gadget from the rug

“Why did I scare you?” He chuckled

I didn't bother answering his question, I was too focus on making my phone work again. Then Niall quickly grabbed it from my grasp. My eyes widened and was trying to get my phone from him.

“What do we have here?” He said looking at the screen

Fuck my life.

“Niall give it back!” I said reaching for my phone but he stretched his arm higher

“You're in my account, I see.” He smirked at me

“Niall please.” I whined still trying to take it from him

“My girlfriend is stalking his cute as fuck boyfriend?” He chuckled giving it back to me

I covered my hands in embarrassment. I can feel my cheeks heating up.

“Aww. I love you!” He said hugging me and chuckling because I can't stop blushing

“Can you please drop it? You're annoying me.” I said hiding my face on his chest

“Okay.” He said “For now.”

“No, I'm serious.” I said whining and playfully punching his chest

“Fine.” He chuckled “Let's just get ready for our movie night.” He said pulling away from the hug and went back to the kitchen

I checked on my phone again to see it's working and it's back from my home page.

“Screw this phone.” I mumbled to myself

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