90° The Right Thing To Do (Part 3)

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Niall's POV

After grocery shopping, I cooked a meal for (Y/N) and I. It's almost lunchtime and she's going to be here soon. I texted her saying that I cooked her favorite dish.

I can't wait to see her again, I've been waiting for this break to come because we barely see each other. She's also gone more beautiful the last time I saw her, which was my tour here in her hometown.

Then my message tone rang and it was a text from (Y/N).

I'm sorry, can't come today. I got sick, I don't want you to catch a fever because of me. You still have a tour coming and I want you to be healthy as much as possible. I appreciate that you cooked for me. Don't worry, before you leave I'll visit you again. I love you so much xoxo.

My face dropped after reading her reply. I was so excited to see her. But she was perfectly fine yesterday, how did she get so sick quickly?

I dialled her phone and she answered after two rings.

“Hey, bub.” I said “Do you want me to come and visit you? I'll bring you some soup and medicine.”

“I'm fine. Don't come here, I told you I don't want you to catch a fever.” She said “Anyway, that's very nice of you. But I'm alright.”

“It's okay, (Y/N). I don't care if I catch a fever. I want to see you.” I said

“I know I promised you that we'll spend your one week break hanging out and I'm really sorry.” She sniffed “I really do want to see you.”

“I'll go there now.” I begged “I'll take care of you.”

“Niall, please don't go. It's the right thing to do.” She said her voice cracking at the end

“Are you crying?” I worriedly asked

“No.” She answered “My voice is just really raspy and dry.”

“Okay, well I'll facetime you.” I said

“I don't want you to see me looking all sick.” She said “This will do.”

“I don't care whatever you look like, I'm desperate to see you.” I said while running my fingers through my hair

“I love you.” She softly said “Always and forever.”

“I love you too, bub.” I said “I'll let you get some rest and maybe you'll recover faster. Alright?”

“Okay, thanks bub.” She answered

“Alright see you soon, I'll call you later. Bye, love you.” I said before ending the call

(Y/N)'s POV

“Alright see you soon, I'll call you later. Bye, love you.”

I can't help but cry after the phone call with him. My heart aches when I push him away. I don't want him to come here because it's what's best for us.

Dad went upstairs a while ago and told me he didn't want me to leave the house without Tom and if Niall comes here, he'll punch him and won't let me see him again.

Being far away from Niall means I'm closer to him. It's the only way that I can talk to him and hear his voice.

I can't wait for Niall's break to be over. My plan is to quit college and follow Niall on tour so I can be with him without being controlled by my parents.

I cried myself to sleep again and dreamt of how happy I was before all this happened.


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