78° Christmas Series: Ada and Stitch

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So hey guys.

I'm (sort of) back because it is my christmas break. Actually it started last December 12, but what I did these past couple of days is I did a little me time and other responsibilities/errands in the house lols.


I'm back with a Christmas series cos it's that time of the month and it is my second year doing this series so yayy!!!


For all of the support that I've been receiving from these past couple of months, even though I was MIA for a very long time. You're support is never ending and I thank you for all of that and that's why I owe it to you guys.


I don't want to get your hopes up but I'll update as much as I can until January. Hopefully, I can reach 100 imagines by the end of January. No promises, but I'll try.

I hope you guys like and enjoy this imagine.

I love you all so much!



(Y/N)'s POV

Hearing noises from downstairs made me wake my senses up and groaned in annoyance. I reached for my phone from the bedside table to check what time it is. It was literally 7 in the morning!

Well last night, my husband and I had our heated moment because it was our engagement anniversary. So we slept pretty late.

I stood up and fixed our bed and head towards the bathroom to freshen up and after that, I went downstairs where I hear all of this chattering noises. Then I see my two bundle of joy making breakfast.

“Mommy!” Ada said running towards my direction and hugged me once she saw me standing at the door

“Good morning, princess.” I said picking her up and giving her kisses making her giggle “You're up early.”

“I got hungry, that's why I woke up dad to make breakfast.”

It's a routine between Niall and I, he makes breakfast while I do lunch then during dinner time we have a personal chef coming at our house in order to cook us fancy food. But sometimes when we are lazy or craving for something, we take away from different fast foods or restaurants.

“You are definitely a Horan.” I chuckled while putting her down and she heads back, sitting on the stool

“And good morning to you, my love.” I said walking to Niall and wrapping my arms around his waist and giving the back of his neck a kiss

“Good morning, my love.” He said smirking at me “Sleep well?”

“Sort of.” I said feeling my cheeks burning up

“How are you feeling?” He asked while busy making grilled cheese sandwich

“A little sore but I don't mind. It's been a long time.” I answered making him chuckle

“From now on, you'll get use to it.” He jokingly said making me playfully roll my eyes

“Get easy on me, tiger.” I said patting his back and pulling away and he laughed


After having breakfast we cleaned up all of the mess and Niall put away all of the plates and other utensils.

“Today is December 1st, you know what that means, Ada?” I asked

“Mhmm.” She excitedly nodded

“What about December 1st?” Niall asked pretending like he doesn't know

“Daddy, you're always so forgetful. It's time to put up the Christmas tree!” Ada exclaimed

“Oh really? It's that time already? Well what are we waiting for, let's get that tree ready!” He said picking up Ada from the stool and ran to the living room

“Hey be careful!” I said following them

Me and Ada waited at living room, for Niall to comeback from the garage to get the Christmas tree. This year we got a real one because I wanted our daughter to know what a real christmas tree looks like. At first Niall wasn't down for it because he said it's a lot messy compared to a plastic tree but he agreed at the end because he can't resist her little princess.

“Wow daddy it's big!” Ada said jumping around once she saw Niall carrying the christmas tree at the living room

I stood up from the couch and helped Niall carry and set up the tree. Once it was standing still, I adjusted some branch to make it look better and put the tree skirt at the bottom.

Niall went back at the garage to get the box of Christmas ornaments.

Once everything is prepped and ready, Niall turned on his bluetooth speaker and played some classic Christmas songs.

“Now that's more like it.” He said and we started decorating the tree

Our theme every Christmas ever since Ada was born is Disney. We all love Disney. So all of our ornaments are Disney inspired. There is from Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Lion King, Incredibles, Up, Cars and of course we can't forget about the Disney princesses. It was actually Niall's idea.

“Remember where you got this princess?” Niall asked Ada while handing her the Stitch ornament

Ada took it from him and furrowed her eyebrows “Uhm..”

“Niall she was 1 year old when we got it.” I chuckled while putting some other ornaments

“I'll tell you then.” He chuckled kneeling in front of her “Well we are in Disneyland in Florida when we got this and like mum said, you were one year old. After having lunch, we went to the Disney store to buy some gifts for your cousins. You're with me at that time while I was picking some souvenirs and you were in a stroller, princess. After a few minutes, your mum tugged my arm and asked me where you were. So I got shocked when I turned around to see the stroller empty.”

“So of course, I panicked. I was almost crying. The store was busy and there were a lot of kids around.” I continued “Your dad and I are looking everywhere for you and then your dad called me, I walked over to him and I saw you lining at the cashier holding this Stitch.”

“Really?” She asked giggling

“It was super terrifying, princess. I thought we lost you.”

“You'll never lose me mommy and daddy.” She said and I was surprised when she said it “I love you both so much.”

I looked at Niall and his eyes were getting watery “We love you too, sweet pea. And we will do everything for you, just to keep you always safe.”


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