76° "And I Do."

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(Y/N)'s POV

Niall and I are flying to the States to come visit my family. One of the reasons why is because my sister had a baby and I wanted to meet my niece.

Niall and I have been dating for 8 months now and together we live in an apartment in London. Niall have talked and met my family through video calls and today it's his first time to meet my family in person. I can feel that he is getting nervous because he's been quiet ever since we got into the airplane.

“Babe, it's okay. They already love you.” I assured him by kissing his cheek and holding his hand with mine

“Thanks, babe.” He smiled at me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze

Once we got our luggages and passed through immigration, we walked over to the place where we should meet up my dad because he will be the one picking us up.

When I saw him standing, holding a sign with my name on it, I ran and hugged him very tight.

“I miss you so much, dad!” I said, pulling away from the hug

“I miss you too, sweetpea.” He said making my eyes tear up, it's been a long time since the last time he called me that

“Dad, this is Niall. My boyfriend.” I said then Niall offered his hand and Dad shook hands with him

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. (Y/L/N).” Niall politely said

“The pleasure is all mine, Niall.”

On the way to the hospital, Niall, dad and I have been talking about random things and I noticed that Niall is doing pretty well while talking to my dad, he wasn't that nervous compared a while ago.

When we arrived at the hospital, dad guided us to my sister's private room and I literally can't wait to see them again.

“You excited?” Niall asked while we are walking towards the elevator

“Very much.” You answered “Are you still nervous?”

“A little bit.” He sighed and I gave his hand a squeeze

“Don't be, because you have no reason to be nervous.”

Dad knocked a few times and my brother-in-law opened the door. He grinned when he saw Niall and I standing behind dad.

“Hey there, lil' sis.” My brother-in-law said and gave me a welcoming hug “We miss you so much.”

“I miss you too guys and congratulations!” I said “This is Niall, you know him right?”

“Of course, the man who stole your heart.” He said and gave Niall also a welcoming hug

“Is that (Y/N)?” I heard my sister asked and I walked further to see her lying down on the hospital bed with her baby on her arms

“Oh my goodness!” I said not to loudly “I miss you so much!”

“I miss you too!” She said

“She is so beautiful.” I said while admiring at the baby “What's her name?”

“(first name of your mother).” She answered, her eyes tearing up

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