24° Secret Love

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You and Niall are together for 3 months, but your relationship is currently private.

It hurts to keep your relationship secret. You always pretend and hide from everything. You and Niall can't even go outside together. You mostly spend your time through skype, calls and text.

You heard your phone bleep and it was Niall.

Babe I'm off to studio. Call you later, love you. xo

Okay, take care. Love you too. xo

You always spend time like this, you never kissed him even though both of you are dying to feel it.

You keep telling Niall that you are ready to tell everyone that you are together, but he keeps saying that “No. I don't want you to recieve some hates from the fans and.." Blah blah blah. It just he keeps protecting you but sometimes it hurts.

Sometimes you feel he doesn't want to be with you, he is ashamed that you are his girlfriend and whatever negative thoughts coming through your mind.

Niall's POV

“Okay take five, Niall." The producer said and I got out of the booth

“Hey mate." Harry wave his hand

“Hey." I said and high five his hand

“How are you and (Y/N)?" Harry asked sitting in the couch

“Good." I said sitting beside him

“Why don't you just go out?" He asked looking at me

“I wish we could do that." I shook my head

“You know, being private isn't a good thing sometimes, Niall. Is (Y/N) okay with this?" Harry asked me

“No. She keeps telling me about going out public but I always refuse it. I just can't stand it when my princess is getting hurt. She gets ton on Twitter and I don't want to get it worst." I blurted out

“What if you're the reason she is getting hurt?" I was frozen of what he said

“I--" No words coming out of my mouth, I was shocked and frozen at the same time.

“Yeah." Harry stood up and he pat my shoulder and left


You just finished washing the dishes and you decided to go the living room to watch t.v

You sat on the couch and turned on the t.v, the show that is on is
Ellen. You decided to watch it while going through Twitter.

“And let's welcome, One Direction!" You heard Ellen said and your eyes quickly went focus on the t.v

The boys wave there hands and Niall was the last one to sit

“Welcome lads." Ellen said shaking their hands

“So, tell me what's new?" She asked crossing her legs

“We have a new album which will be released on Friday." Harry said

“I see. Well that's great news, how about love life? Louis?" She asked gesturing to Louis

“Yeah, Danielle is perfect." He blushed

Ellen was now asking Niall, it made your heart beat.

“Niall, lad. Single?" She raised her eyebrows and Niall was just smiling

“Nope." He said proudly

You were shocked at what he said, he usually answer that he is courting someone or looking for a girl but today he said he is not single.

“Really?!" Ellen said and the boys are looking at him

“Yeah, her name is (Y/N) and she makes me happy and I love her so much. We are actually dating for almost 3 months." He smiled widely and it made you happy

“Wow! After so many years, you finally found her." Ellen clapped and so does the audience

The interview was finished few minutes ago, and you are in the kitchen cooking.

You heard the front door opened and you quickly turned off the stove and ran into Niall.

You jumped at him and hugged him tight.

“Hi princess." Niall breath out

“Hi." You whisper and kissed his cheek

“Did you watch the interview?" He asked you grinning

“I was surprised, but I'm so happy." You said

“I'm sorry if I hurted you, I know you were hurt for a couple of weeks and you keep telling me to go public but I always say no. I hope you forgive me." He said holding your cheeks

“Of course I forgive you silly." You said and kissed him passionately “I love you." You mumble through the kiss

“I love you too." He said when both of you pulled apart



I wanna thank you guys for all the support! My reads are almost 300 and I'm so happy! I remember my reads were like 30 and today gosh!

Thank you guys I appreciate your reads! I love you guys so so much. xoxo


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