Trust Isn't The Only Issue (Chapter 2)

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"Mama look!" Jaydon yelled to me. "I made a house for you!" He pointed to his sandcastle that he made. The excitement on his face made me smile as my heart simply melted. To others; it may have been just a big lumpy pile of sand but to me it was a beautiful mansion that my son made me from love.

"Good job baby! Stand by it so I can take your picture." I told him as I pulled out my phone to take his picture. I chuckled lowly to myself as he grinned, showing me all his teeth. "I got it, thank you." I called to him.

"You're welcome Mama!" He yelled.

"Look at mine Mama!" Jaylon yelled, gaining my attention.

"Good job! It's big!" I smiled as I took a picture of him and his masterpiece of a sandcastle as well. He and Jaydon were playing in the sand together while Aaliyah, Makayla, MJ, Jr, Zyonn and Austin were playing beach volleyball.

Jerome, Mike, Andrea and I were sitting by the edge of the water in our lounging beach chairs watching the kids enjoy themselves. Tatiyana and Stanley were probably in the beach house somewhere fucking.

"Be still." Jerome mumbled as he smacked my leg. His big cry baby ass came and invaded my space. He was currently laying directly on top of my body trying to take a nap. He was in between my legs with his head resting on my boobs like a baby. His body weight was slightly crushing me but I was trying to stay strong for as long as I could.

"You get on my nerves." I mumbled.

"Well I love you too." He responded, making me roll my eyes at him. I couldn't even play with my kids or have a good time because he wanted to be laid up. We had all the time in the world to lay up. "Roll em again and imma toss ya ass in that water."

"Whatever Jerome." I mumbled as I adjusted my oversized Chanel sunglasses. I picked up my drink and took a small sip of the strawberry mango daiquiri that I'd been drinking.

"Imma fuck the shit outta you when we get back to our room." He smirked as he closed his eyes and made himself comfortable on me. I shook my head at him as I looked away from him and focused my attention on the kids. Not long after his eyes closed, I heard him snoring softly, indicating that he'd fallen asleep.

"Mookie." Andrea hissed, gaining my attention. I looked at her, letting her know I was listening. "Mind if we sneak away for a minute?" She asked with a small smirk on her face.

"Go get that dick sis!" I chuckled, making her laugh. Mike didn't hesitate to pick her up from the lounging chair she was sitting in. I watched as he threw her over his shoulder and ran to the beach house we rented. Just as long as they knew they were returning the favor later.

I laid there; simply enjoying the sounds of joy and laughter from the kids while keeping a close eye on them. I stroked the smooth skin of Jerome's back as he slept. I loved rubbing, kissing, hugging, cuddling and touching all on him. Especially while he slept. It brought me comfort.

"Mama come play with us!" Jaylon called to me, breaking me out of the trance I was in. I attempted to move Jerome's body but his grip on my waist got tighter.

"Jerome let me up." I said nudging his body.

"Where you going?" He mumbled, slightly lifting his head to look at me.

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