Trust Isn't The Only Issue (Chapter 14)

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The next morning, I woke up with the same anger and attitude I went to bed with. I made sure to wake up a few hours before getting my kids up so I could get myself right mentally so my negative energy wouldn't rub off on them.

Jr was so observant for his age and he always seemed to know when there was something bothering me or if something wasn't right with me. Aaliyah and Austin weren't as observant but it was harder to hide certain things from them because they were older. I was trying my best to keep it together for the sake of my kids not seeing me fall apart.

On a normal day, my usual shower was about thirty minutes max. Today I spent well over an hour in the shower. I allowed myself to cry all of the tears I could manage to squeeze out. Once I'd completed my daily morning hygiene routine and gotten myself dressed, I made a quick breakfast and got my kids up.

We greeted each other before we all gathered around the breakfast table together to eat as a family like we do every morning. "Can I have some more bacon Ma?" Austin asked me.

"Get as much as you want." I encouraged him as I got up from the table and placed three more pieces on his plate. "Anybody else want anything?" I asked, taking a piece for myself. After dishing out all the leftover toast, oatmeal and bacon I was satisfied. Not a single crumb was left for Jerome.

Once everybody was finished eating, the kids went about their daily morning routine. They were at the age where they were independent enough to handle getting dressed for school by themselves. While they got ready for the day, I prepared their lunches and cleaned up my kitchen.

By the time that I was finished, the kids were coming down the stairs. Perfect timing. Jr was the first one down, I could hear his siblings following behind him. "You okay Mama?" He asked me.

"I'm fine baby, thank you for asking." I told him as I handed him his lunch box. He looked at me without responding before wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too son." I responded, kissing his forehead and smiling at him. "And thank you for helping your brothers." I told him, already knowing that he supervised them as they got ready, like he does every morning.

"You're welcome Ma." He replied. I made sure that everyone had their bags and lunchboxes before we headed out the door.

We successfully got out of the house before Jerome even woke up. Mission accomplished. He had a meeting today and I didn't wake him up for it or even remind him about it. Millions of dollars were on the line but my kids and I were going to be straight regardless so I didn't care. It was petty of me but he had me so fucked up and I planned on showing him just how much he had me fucked up.

I didn't even want to face him today because I didn't want to go off on him prematurely. When I confronted his ass, I wanted the evidence and solid proof of everything to show I had a legitimate reason to do everything that I had planned out for his triffling ass.

On my morning commute I did everything that I could to keep my mind off of Jerome. Every time that I thought about him I wanted to turn this truck around, go back home and beat his ass. But I had to be a responsible mother and get all of my kids to school on time.

First I dropped Austin and Aaliyah off, then next were the twins and last was Jr. As I pulled up to the curb, I felt his arms wrap around my neck before I could even say or do anything. "I hope you have a good day Mama, I love you." Jr said before kissing my cheek and catching me by surprise. Usually I would get a quick love you too as he rushed out of the car.

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