Trust Isn't The Only Issue (Chapter 15)

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After dropping my children off at school, I went to work after stopping at Starbucks, as usual. Just as I stepped off of the elevator and turned the corner to where my office was located, my phone began ringing loudly. While balancing the Starbucks cup in my hand, my briefcase, umbrella and laptop case, I dug around inside my purse until I retrieved my ringing iPhone.

It was my mom.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I looked at the screen and just allowed it to keep ringing until the call eventually ended. Tossing my phone back into my purse, I used my key card to let myself into my personal office. After placing all of my belongings on my desk, I plopped down into my comfortable office chair and a sigh of relief escaped my lips. I finally had a few short moments alone for myself.

My life has changed drastically in the single month that Jerome's raggedy ass and I have been separated from each other. My children and I have moved out of our family home and into an apartment. Jerome and I don't speak at all. Him being on the road working made it a lot easier to avoid and ignore him. Whenever he wanted to talk to our kids, he would simply call Aaliyah's phone.

Currently he was in Florida. They were playing The Miami Heat tonight and I was honestly dreading him coming back home. At the same time him being away meant he wasn't able to help me with the kids. Since we've been apart, I've had to do everything for my kids. I quickly learned that being a single mother was not an easy task. I salute the ones that are making it happen for their kids, on their own.

Today had already been rough and it was only 8:30 in the morning. Jaylon had a nightmare in the middle of the night and woke up the whole house with his loud screaming and hysterical crying. It took me hours to calm him down and get him back to sleep. By the time I was finally able to go back to sleep myself, my alarm was going off for me to get up.

After getting myself and everybody else ready for the day, I went outside to see my tire on flat. Once I was able to quickly put the spare on, we got on the road and thankfully I was able to get everybody to school on time. My Starbucks drink was made incorrectly and it was nasty as hell but I didn't have the time for them to remake it so I was sipping on a nasty ass bitter drink.

Then as I was getting out of my car, my four inch Louboutin heel got caught in one of the cracks and broke off. I was just grateful that I kept an extra pair of flats in my bag. As I was walking into work, it started pouring down rain, ruining my fresh silk press on my natural hair and saturating my clothes.

I was already over today and it just started a few hours ago. After rummaging through my purse, I found a spare ponytail holder and used it to tie my now curly hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. I allowed a few loose strands to frame my face. It wasn't the best but it would do for now. At least until I could make a hair appointment to get my hair done again.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, enjoying the brief moment of peace and quiet. Alone time was rare now that it was just my kids and I. As much as I loved them and enjoyed being with them, lately I'd been so exhausted and drained all the time that I felt like I needed a long break from everything and everyone.

A groan of annoyance escaped my mouth as my phone began ringing again. It was my mom again. Since leaving Jerome a month ago; my correspondence with everyone has been brief. I made sure to communicate at least twice a week with those that reached out to me but I just wasn't ready to talk.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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