Chapter 7

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Nicolas's POV

We arrived at the castle that my mate seems entranced with, it is huge... Ivy climbs the white walls and the windows are mostly tinted with stain glass. It is beautiful and my home. Kit is going to settle in perfectly. The main door open and I roll my eyes at Lydia my maid, I used her for my needs and she thinks she is Luna. "Kit, that maid is someone I just screwed, there is no feelings attached but she thinks there is and likes to show me off... If it gets too much tell me." I see him nod and kiss my cheek "Okay, I am hungry though" he pouts adorably at me "Yes, I will arrange food."

We step out and instantly Lydia's eyes lock onto Kit in a glare. "Evening Lydia, arrange steak and all the fixings" I pass the door and the guards bow as I walk past. "Nick, you just got back, you must be tense... maybe I could help you relax" she flirts softly in my ear making me shudder "I am not tense, I will be if my mate doesn't have a meal on the go soon" I snap softly "awh, I already ate baby, but you must be famished" she rubbed my bicep and kept slight eyes on Kit. Shit Kit.

I turn my head and he looks like he is about to cry, "No, Lydia" I push her off "You aren't my Luna nor mate, Kit is" I growl and stroll to his side latching a arm around his waist "Nicolas I want to leave please" he small voice was barely in hearing range in my head. I look down and he is still head down in submission. "Go get food now Lydia" I growl and pull my mate to my office. I closed the door and pulled him to my chest quickly "Kit are you okay?" I stroke his hair softly, kissing the top of his head affectionatly, if my father could see me now he'd call me soft, I don't give a shit. I will be ruthless but with my mate... I promise to treat him beautifully.

An hour and a half of just talking and kissing, the bell for our dinner went off.

I led us in and took a seat with him next to me in dining hall, Lydia came out with two plates and set it down in front of us but something smelt wrong. 5 of our servants and maids stood at the door with anxious faces and Lydia had a certain gleam in her eye "Nicolas, what's wrong?" I heard Kit ask, poison... Someone poisoned my mates food and with the gleam I know it was Lydia... "Don't eat that" I swapped the plates and heard small gasps that weren't meant to be heard. Kit has a very confused face "Lydia come here" I beckoned sharply "yes Alpha" the gleam was gone and now stood fear. I cut a chunk of steak up and past it to her "anything wrong with Luna's dish" she put emphasise on the Luna part, "Eat it, In order of the king" I passed her the fork and Lydia's eyes widened but she still complied. Lydia Bran-well knew that she lost. She raised the meat to her lips and placed it in her mouth. She swallowed and then collapsed, foaming from the mouth "IF YOU DARE CONSIDER PUTTING ARSENIC IN MY MATES FOOD THEN MAKE SURE AN ALPHA WITH A GOOD SENSE OF SMELL IS NOT PRESENT" I bellowed at everyone "YOU DESERVE THIS LYDIA AND YOU WERE A WASTE ANYWAY" I watched with black eyes as she writhed and spat acidic foam before stilling completely. Dead. 
"Sam, take the body" I ordered "and if any of you want to try something then death is the same fate" I marched my mate out and into the elevator to the top floor and my room. It was a long stretch that held a nursery and my room, with a small kitchen.

The elevator closed and I pounced on him, lifting his arms above his head and locking them there. I attach our lips and we make out passionately, He pulls away and my head goes to his mark I placed on him, "thank you for saving me" Kit whispers panting softly "I am always going to protect you, I just needed a way to calm down" I kissed the mark and felt him tense. The door tinged and we stepped out, fingers entwined.

Hey, SO I am super sorry that I haven't updated but I left school now so I can find more time to update every week. Nearly at 100 reads... Please lets make it go up and I see that you save it to read lists and you read it... Leave comments because I love input and what you have to say and any suggestions for the future of the book, like characters etc. Anywhore, thanks for reading and being patient ~ ModernBlasphemy

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