*Chapter Eight*

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I woke up from another nightmare to the sound of my alarm beeping obnoxiously in my ear. I shut it off with a groan and swung my legs out of bed while I rubbed my eyes. I stood up and walked over to my closet and dresser to grab some clothed which ended up being a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a grey cardigan type thing.

 I trudged over to my bathroom that was connected to my room and jumped in the shower. I was in there for thirty minutes before I finally forced myself out. I remembered that I had a couple books to return to the library so I grabbed those, my shoes, my earbuds, and my phone before walking out the door. I didn't think my mom was up because one, it was so early and two, I didn't hear anything in the house. It was about a fifteen minute walk so I slipped my ear buds in and started on my way. It was a pretty clear day, it was spring so it had been raining and storming a lot in the afternoons lately, but today it was bright and sunny out. Finally we had a break from last few freezing days.

 I finally made it to the library so I pushed open the doors and turned off my music. I returned my books and wandered around for a bit, trying to find a book about a subject we were learning about. I know what you're thinking, what a way to spend your Saturday, at the library studying. I wasn't planning on staying here all day but I wanted to make sure I passed all my classes so I could get into a good collage. 

I found my book and read for a while before I put it back and walked out the doors. I started to walk to a little sandwich place to get lunch because it was already about noon. I went in and inhaled the smell of toasted bread and flowers. I ordered a meatball sub and ate it while I listened to music at one of the tables. I wanted to text Jules so bad but her parents always took her phone when they went away.

 I looked up just in time to see Sarah and her goons, Kylie and Lilly walk in. Other than the run ins with Zack and his group, I had a pretty lucky week without the queen bitches *cough cough* I mean bees. 

They all went on vacations to different places with their families. They were ridiculous, they planned their vacations at the same time so they wouldn't have to go to school without each other. I put my head down as they glanced around. I took my earbuds out because my phone battery was getting lower and I didn't want it o die. 

I stood up and almost got to the door without them noticing. 


"hey isn't that that Nerd Zoe?" Lilly said to Sarah with a disgusted look on her face. Sarah smirked when she saw me. 

"Well, well, well, did the fat pig come to get her piggy food?" she asked while the other two made pig noises. I just swiveled around and walked away and slipped out the door before I could get too worked up. 

"You cant run away forever piggy!" Sarah yelled after me right as I was about to turn the corner. I chose to ignore them but their words still lingered in the back of my mind. I was walking for about eight minutes before I heard noises from an ally way about five feet in front of me. I heard some voices so I crept up to the corner and listened.

 "You shouldn't have done that Z, you started something you couldn't finish, now I'm gonna finish you." someone said in a dangerously low voice. Z? who was that? I got too curious and peaked around the corner only to see five guys surrounding someone. 

"You want to dance? Then lets dance." I heard a familiar voice say.

Even though it was stupid and I knew that, I stepped out and said "Zack?" 

They all looked over right before Zack yelled "Run!" 

Right as the words escaped his mouth one of the guys launched himself at him, aiming for his face and another guy yelled "One of you, get her!" 

I spun around and started to run right as one of the guys started my way. I turned the corner and saw Cody, Kyle, and Eric running towards Zack to help him out, not noticing me at all. The guy was still a couple of feet ahead of me as I ran down the sidewalk. I tipped over some boxes to try and slow him but it didn't really work. I turned into an ally with a about 5 foot chain link fence in the middle. I quickly scaled it and dropped to the other side right as the guy made it to the bottom but he scaled it fast too. 

I kept running and easily glided over a 3 and a half foot tall railing. I turned onto the side of a long apartment complex. There was a ladder so I immediately jumped on it and started climbing faster than I thought was possible. I was about in the middle of it when the guy jumped on it too. I reached the top and quickly looked around. There was a door so I ran over and quickly pulled on it. Of coarse it was locked so I looked over to the ladder and saw he had just gotten to the top. 

Our eyes met. 

Well my eyes and his eye. He had a big scar running across his face and left eye. Right as he saw me he started running. I quickly turned around to run and saw that there was about forty feet left before the end of the building and was getting closer by the second. The two buildings were about eight feet apart but it was my best bet. In a split second decision, right as I reached the end, I pushed off with all my might and flew across the gap. 

Everything was in slow motion as my feet barely landed on the edge and I rolled over my back once before I jumped up to see he stopped right before the edge and was looking behind him as Cody ran towards him and punched him in the face. He flew to the ground as I watched with wide eyes, still not believing that I was still alive. 

Cody looked over to me and kept looking back and fourth from the gap to my face. The guy started to get up so Cody turned back and started to beat him back down. My stomach lurchedas i watched him punching the man so violently so I spun around on my heal and took a ladder down the side of the building. We were about two minutes away from my house so I ran home as fast as I could. 

My moms car wasn't there so I went and unlocked my door with trembling hands. The shock was starting to wear off as I walked up to my room, sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. I hadn't had one 'good' day since Zack and his group strolled into my life. I've successfully avoided him for years but now he is popping up everywhere. 

I took a long hot shower and went to bed early after contemplating if I wanted dinner or not. I decided I didn't need it so I changed into my pajamas and crawled into my bed. It took a while to fall asleep with my racing mind but I eventually drifted to sleep.


Hey guy! wow! i already have about 150 reads! that might not seem like a lot but it is to me since this is my first book that I'm uploading =] i hope you guys are liking it!



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