*Chapter Thirty Five*

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Zack, Eric, and I exchanged a look of confusion before quickly making our way back into the living room.

"You Bitch!" Cody screamed as we made it into the room to see him drenched in water. I looked over to Sammy who was standing there snickering at him with wide eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?" Kyle asked with a groan as he sat up.

"Sammy?" I asked making him look over to me innocently.

"You better run." I said and he took off right as Cody lunged for his feet. Cody landed on his chest before scrambling up and almost tripping on the blanket. He freed himself and then took off around the corner yelling after Sam.

"Di'he pour water on him?" Kyle asked rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Yep." Eric said before walking back to the kitchen. I shook my head at them all. Cameron sat up with a yawn too. I plopped back down on the couch and Zack sat next to me.

"Got to say, I'm a little disappointed in both of you." Kyle said stretching and looking over to us amused.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Because you guys were barely buzzed. Well I guess we all weren't as drunk as we usually get but you two were the worst. Although with what you drank, I would have expected a little more from you Zo." He said smirking at me.

"High pain tolerance, high alcohol tolerance..." I trailed off trying to think of something else. I turned to Zack to see him already looking at me. "What's another tolerance?"

He just laughed at me and shook his head. Kyle brightened up and looked like he had an idea.

"Cynthia, come here!" he yelled and a second later, she trudged in the room.

"What?" she asked sounding annoyed.

"We need to see who has the higher pain tolerance." He said grinning and I just looked at him with raised brows.

"Out of me and you? Haven't we already established that?" she asked him and he shook his head.

"No, between you and Zoe." He said and she looked over towards me. Before I could say anything, Zack wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to his chest.

"Were not testing her pain tolerance." He said and I struggled to get away but he just held me there.

"Do you want to Zoe?" She asked and I smiled.

"Yeah sure." I said and continued to try and pry Zack's grip from me.

"No." he said and I managed to half get out before he pulled me back.

"Why?" I asked trying to wiggle down but he just held me tight.

"Because it will hurt." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"No shit sherlock, it's a pain contest." I said and managed to break free and jump away over to Cynthia before he could grab me again.

"So, what are we using to test it?" I asked grinning and she grinned back at me. I probably shouldn't be this excited for pain but I wasn't going to turn down a little friendly competition.

"Shock collars." She said and I grinned at Zack to see him scowling over at us.

"Pain contest!" Was shouted by Kyle before Zack could say anything and a second later, everyone was walking into the room interested.

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