*Chapter Fifty Seven*

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  I was thrown against the wall right as my father ripped my phone out of my hand. He shoved it into his pocket and slapped me across my face, sending a searing pain across my nerves.

"Go get stuff for dinner. I have a few old friends coming over and I expect dinner to be ready by 6." He growled out and I nodded.

"What- what do you want?" I asked and he glared at me.

"It doesn't matter as long as its good, now get a move on it." He growled out and I nodded again, grabbing my wallet out of my backpack and slipping my shoes on before darting out the door and quickly making my way to the store.

When I got home, I quickly set to work, making the food and making sure everything was perfect. I cleaned the table and set it at about 5:30 right as the doorbell rang.

"Get the door." My father boomed and I quickly unlocked and flung the door open. Two men stood there and grinned when they saw me.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing." One of the men smirked and I stepped to the side.

"Dinner is just about ready and my father is in the living room." I said quietly and they nodded, looking me up and down as they stepped in and made their way to my father. I shut the door but left it unlocked just in case before making my way back to the kitchen and finishing up the last steps of the meal. I plated everything and finished setting the table, getting 3 glasses of water and putting those on the table as well. I stepped back into the kitchen and cleaned up, leaving the food out incase anybody wanted more before making my way to the living room.

"Dinner is ready and the table Is set." I announced and the 3 men got up and sauntered into the dining room.

"Where is your food darling?" One of the men drew out and I looked to my father.

"Yes Zoe, where is your food?" he asked and I looked at him wide eyed.

"I thought you guys would like to eat alone." I said and my father let a sickly smile stretch over his face.

"Nonsense. Go get some food." he said and I nodded before making my way to the kitchen and putting a small amount of food on my plate. I walked back into the dining room and my father smirked up at me.

"You can sit next to Jacob." He said nodding over to the man that had spoken to me the most. I nodded and made my way around the table, sitting down and slowly eating my food as the men dug in.

A while later, they started talking about me.

"She sure is a pretty one." The man next to me said and I felt a hand snake over my leg. I jumped back, dropping my fork and shoving his hand off of me. I looked up to my father wide eyed to see his eyes darkening.

"Play nice Zoe." He said and I made the mistake of shaking my head slightly and jumping away from the man next to me as he tried to touch me again.

The noise of a shattering plate ricocheted throughout the room as my father threw his plate, sending it crashing against the wall.

"Clean it up." My father growled and I nodded quickly, standing up and grabbing the broom from the corner. I set to work and cleaned it up as quickly as possible as my father talked about me to his friends, apologizing for my behavior.

"That's alright, I like them feisty." The man said as I dumped the last pieces of the plate into the trash.

"Zoe, come here." My father said and I closed my eyes for a second. Please don't. I opened my eyes and turned around stepping into the dining room.

"Why don't you go sit on his lap, you owe him for your actions earlier." My father said and I stepped back, wide eyed.

"Zoe." He growled and I shook my head, grabbing onto the stair railing.

"Do it or there will be consequences later." He said and I took another step back.

"Leave, just know your punishment is coming." He said and I ran up the stairs, shutting and locking my door.

I rung my hands, pacing back and fourth for who knows how long. The pit in my stomach and pressure on my chest never disappearing. The sun went down and I continued pacing around my room. It was about 9 o'clock when I heard footsteps stomping up the stairs. I froze, eyes wide staring at the door. My father tried the knob but when he realized it was locked, he started pounding on the door.

"Open up now!" he boomed and I hesitated.

"If you do not open this door right this instant this will be much worse for you." He growled through the door. I stepped forward and slowly unlocked the door. He stormed in and instantly pushed me up against the wall by my throat.

"You knew this was coming, you embarrassed me in front of my friends. I would think you would know better by now. You have gotten incredibly stupid since I left." He growled out as I clawed at his hand, feeling the blood pool in my head. He slammed me into the wall again and I let out a little yell.

"Apologize." He said and my raspy words instantly tumbled out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I'm sorry." I begged and his face darkened.

"That isn't good enough, you need to be taught a lesson." He said and his one hand instantly went down to his belt.

"Please" I sobbed as he pulled it off and took it in his hand. I struggled as he flipped me around and pressed my face into the wall but my fight stopped as the heavy leather was sent down, embedding itself into my skin with a sharp crack. I screamed as my back seared.

He sent his belt down again and I opened my mouth but no sound came out. My salty tears dripped past my lips as he brought it down again. I dropped to my knees, a sharp pain shooting through my ankle as he stepped on it. I fell to the ground on my stomach as my back burned. His belt came down again, jolting my body as I sobbed.

"Please stop. Please, I'm sorry." I cried as it came down again. He stepped back and admired his work as I cried, the pain not ceasing.

"This better not happen again." He hissed before making his way out of my room, slamming the door as he exited. I laid on the floor crying, darkness floating around the edges of my eyes.

Eventually, I lost consciousness but even in my sleep, I could feel the pain. Feel the searing and stinging sensation on my body. I couldn't escape it.

I'd never be able to.


If you missed my lovely little note at the beginning of last chapter, go read it.

Trust me, you wont regret it. (I'm such an idiot)



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