*Chapter Fifty Six*

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I literally uploaded this without the chapter...I uploaded a chapter... and forgot the chapter...

I wrote the authors note and put this beginning little bit in and then published it without the rest.



"Come on, please??" Sam pouted and I looked around, slightly panicked.

"Okay." I said quietly and Sam cheered before taking my arm and dragging me out the doors and over to the table outside where all of the other boys were seated.

"Hey." Zack said as he noticed me and I gave him a small forced smile. I slid in on the end next to him as Sam sat down with a big smile.

"So Zoe, I hope you realize I lost 20 bucks because of you." Cody jokes and I forced a smile.

"Sorry." I said and got out my small lunch.

Cody hesitated for a second before getting swept up into a conversation with the rest of the boys.

"Zoe." I heard Eric say quietly and I hummed a response, waiting for him to say something else. When he didn't, I looked up nd met his eyes. He slowly raised his finer and tapped his cheek. My eyes widened slightly and I raised my hand to my own cheek.

"What?" I asked, keeping a steady voice and he pursed his lips slightly.

"You never wear makeup." He said and I relaxed slightly and shrugged.

"I ran out a while ago and just got more." I said and he slowly nodded. I turned back to my food and started slowly eating. I felt his eyes leave my face and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. If anyone would figure it out, it would be him.


The following days, I successfully avoided everyone. Well, until Friday when Zack stopped me in the hallway after the final bell of the day had rung.

"Zoe, hold up." He said and lightly took my arm and spun me around. The students cleared quickly, trying to get home and away from this school to enjoy their weekend.

"I need to go Zack." I said and stepped back but he just took another step towards me.

"What's going on?" he asked and I sighed.

"Nothing Zack, I'm fine." I said looking down but he kept on.

"Zoe, I know everything isn't fine." He said and I stayed quiet, staring at my shoes. I had to end this now, I couldn't drag him along like I was doing.

"Did I do something?" h asked, pain lingering in his voice that sent pangs to my heart. I held back from breaking down right then and there.

"Just leave me alone okay?" I asked, my chest growing heavier.

"No, tell me what's wrong." He said stepping forward again but I backed up.

"Zack, stop. I'm done." I said and he stopped.

"What do you men you're done? Is that what you're doing? Making me like you then ditching me?" he asked and I lowered my head more. Don't cry.

"Tell me why Zoe, say it to my face." He said and I took a deep breath. End it now, a voice whispered in my head. You have to.

"I'm done Zack." I said looking up to his eyes. I saw hurt flow through them but I continued.

"I'm done with you being clingy and desperate all the time. I'm done with you bothering me and trying to get into all of my business. I'm done hanging around you and listening to you be an asshole to everyone around you. I'm done." I said and he stared at me for a second, the hurt being replaced by a cold emotionless mask. He scoffed and stepped back. Anger took over his features sending a sharp pain into my chest as I held back more tears.

"Okay then. If that's what you want then fine. Have a nice life Zoe." He said before shaking his head at me. I knew he was hurt, I knew he probably hated me and that if I turned and walked away right now, I would probably never be able to fix this but that's exactly what I did. I turned on my heal and hurried out the doors, making my way home as fast as possible as tears trailed down my cheeks. I flipped up my hood, knowing that my tears were washing away my makeup to revel my purple eye.

I guess this was my karma.

I guess I deserve everything that happens now. It still wont ever make up for hurting Zack.

I deserved it.


I have a bunch of chapters pre-written and I only have a few more to write until the end of the book :O

Seems crazy that I'm almost done since it took so long. (I started this like two to three years ago and I'm literally such an unmotivated pos that I stopped writing several times and took like a year long 'break')

I genuinely from the bottom of my heart want to say that I really don't like this book lmao. I wish I could rewrite the entire thing so it doesn't suck so much but we all know that's not going to happen :)



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