*Chapter Fifteen*

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The doorbell rang waking me up from my deep sleep. I rubbed my eyes and walked over into the front room as the bell rang again. I twisted both of the locks and swung the door open. My eyes went wide and I tried to slam the door shut again but a heavy boot stopped it and whipped it open. My stomach felt sick and my face instantly paled. My parents were both standing there with malicious grins on their faces.

"Hello darling." My mother drew out. She looked deathly sick and pale. I took a step back and gasped. It couldn't be. She wouldn't be standing there with him. She was afraid of him, she never wanted to see him again unless he was being lowered 7 feet into the ground.

"It's finally time for me to end the being that I created all those years ago." His gravely words sent chills down my spine. It was just like I had remembered. His hand lifted and I tried to run but I couldn't. My limbs were numb with fear and my fingers were shaking.

In his hand was the same gun that he had threatened me with years before. The same gun that fired the bulled that skimmed the side of my head. The same gun that had almost killed me. His hand was steady as he raised it to my head. I looked down the barrel and I heard the click. My world instantly went black as he fired the bullet and it ripped through my skull.

But I wasn't dead. It didn't stay dark, instead I was sitting in a wooden chair in a dark basement. It was cold. So cold. I shivered not only from the freezing temperatures but from the footsteps nearing me from behind and the head that was lowered down to my ear. His lips touched my ear as his voice traveled to my ear.

"I'm coming for you."

Faster than I could react, a hand came around in front of me holding a silver blade and slashed across my throat. I choked and gasped for a few seconds with blood soaking my clothing before everything went black.

I jolted up from my bed choking and gasping for air once again. My hand shot up and gripped my neck as I tried to calm my breathing. I blinked back tears as I sat with my blankets pooled around me and my hands wrapped around my sides. I glanced over to my clock to see it was about 4:45 in the morning. I sighed and slipped out of bed, shakily walking over to my bathroom to get a shower and clear my mind. Zack and the boys were picking me up at 10 so I had quite a while.

I jumped in the shower and tried to wash away the sweat that had gathered on my skin as I slept. After I finished, I dried my body and grabbed my black bikini swimsuit and slipped it on. I stared at myself in the mirror and ran my hand over my skin. I had many scars all over my body, some old, some new. The cuts from the glass were now fresh purple scars that would turn silvery soon. I sighed and walked over to my closet to pull on some jean shorts and a black tank top. It was suppose to have a high of 92 today, a huge difference from a week ago when it was freezing out. I still had quite a bit of time to pass before the guys came to get me. Looks like I would have to find something to do.


Four hours later, and my nightmare was barely a thought in my mind. Curiosity and excitement had replaced it. I was about to slip my phone into my bag that I was bringing along. My phone chimed and I picked it up to see it was a text from Zack saying that they would be here in 5 minutes. I texted him a quick okay before jogging downstairs to make sure I had my gym shoes there. Zack had texted me this morning to make sure I wasn't wearing any sandals or anything because apparently we would be walking a little.

I went and slipped on my shoes before making sure the back door was locked and walking back into the front room. Right as I walked in, I heard a car beep a few times outside. I slipped on my shoes and hooked my bag over my shoulder before stepping outside and locking the door. A car was outside my house with Zack in the driver's seat. I smiled at him and jogged over. I pulled open the door and Zack greeted me as I slipped into the seat.

"Hey, ready to go?" I nodded at him and right as I was about to reply, I screamed as somebody behind me yelled and grabbed my shoulders. I spun around to see Cody laughing so hard he was almost crying.

"What the hell Cody!" I yelled with my hand over my chest. He tried to say something but couldn't from how hard he was laughing. I spun around and looked at Zack who was covering his mouth and trying not to laugh.

"Why didn't you tell me he was going to do that?" I yelled looking at him with wide eyes trying to keep my heart from trying to beat out of my chest.

"I didn't know!" he exclaimed with his hands up smiling. A small smile crept up on to my face.

"You're all assholes, just drive." I replied glancing back at Cody again who had managed to get himself together.

"Where's Sammy, Kyle and Eric?" I asked as Zack started to pull off. "They're driving in a different car and left straight from the house. They'll meet us there." He replied glancing over to me and then back at the road.

"and where exactly is there?" I tried again to get information out of him.

"You'll see." Is all he answered with as he reached over and turned on the radio smirking.


Ayyeee I know I dropped off the face of the earth for like a year... or two.. but hey, I'm here now right?



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