Chapter 3

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Drew's POV

"Aaarrhh! finally, last class of the day" I found comfort knowing this.

like other normal teenagers I don't enjoy going to school, and today is rather awful, I got excess flirting from girls or caught them ogling me like some kind of unique specimen,

unlike most guys, I don't enjoy the extra company or attention of girls but today was worst than normal, I think it's because of the rumours of Jane and I finally breaking up, which is true by the way.

I just wanted this class to be done so I can go home and relax,

"Today we will be starting a new book Lord of the flies by Williams Golding-" mr Daniel said

I didn't even notice when he entered the class,

I read that book awhile ago and I've got to say, it's awesome, well it was, until I got to the last chapter that is, I wanted that asshole to die he was pure evil, he needed to be wipe off the fac-

"...Miss Monroe you're with Mister Parker"

Wait what?, shit, I wasn't listening, what is he talking about?, why did he mention my name?

  I leaned in and whispered to the girl next to me, Ruby, I think is her name, "sorry, but what did he say just now, I wasn't paying attention"

  She looked at me with an irritated expression, one of the pompous smart-ass in our school, who think she is better than everyone, after a second she answered "he's partnering you up with that tall brown haired girl, Amy or what her name"

What! Really!

"thanks" I said with a smile

She rolled her eyes in response,

To be honest, I was happy to be partners with Amy, she is smart, nice and most importantly not a flirt, right now I needed that.

Plus, she is actually very beautiful, she also has the most beautiful hair, and nicest smile, although she never really smiles or talk much, except for those moments I see her when she's with her two only friends, and I could tell she wasn't quiet at all,

Not like she acts like the quiet type, she just never interacts with people unless it has something to do with her or her friends, although, I did hear a rumours one time that she beat some guy up, but I don't know how true that is and that was a long time ago,

And before you say anything, I'm not a stalker, I just think she's really pretty and I kinda had a crush on her once, like two years ago but its gone now,

believe it or not we've actually never spoken before,

"What the fuck dude " she blurted out, well that's unusual, she hardly talks in class.

For some reason she doesn't like me, and I don't remember doing anything to make her dislike me, but for some reason she just doesn't.

Mr Daniel said something to her but I wasn't listening, I could see she wasn't happy about me being her partner, but I am

I picked up my things and went to where she was sitting,

"Fuck" she said as I sat beside her.

I couldn't let her know I was actually happy she was my partner so..

I smirked and said "wow, if you really wanted to be my partner that much you should have told me"

She glared "you must have me mistaken for one of your slutty followers, either that or your just stupid and cant read situations"

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