Chapter 16

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Drew's POV

It's been more than a month since Amy and I became friends and things have being going as frustrating as possible!

the girl is so ignorant it's frustrating, don't get me wrong, I still like her but she just frustrates the hell out of me sometimes.

  Nothing, I mean nothing!, is going according to plan.

I've tried every possible way to tell her I like her, both directly and indirectly, she just doesn't get it

   Is this karma punishing me for dating a girl I didn't like?

why me?

Just thinking about my struggles is enough to make me go nuts..

Last two weeks:

"Hey Drew, what's up? do you want to come over to my place after classes? I think I need some company" Amy said

"Yeah sure, I would love to" I replied

She smiled "thanks, you're always there for me, I should do something for you too"

I smiled "there's no need, I'm always there for you because I like you, speaking of like, have you figured out who I like yet? you know, with the hints I gave you"

"Oh, you mean miss A and Y? no I haven't, right now the only person I know your close to with those letters in there name is me, but don't worry, I'll soon figure it out, Also I've realised you really don't have a lot of friends, so I don't know why this is so hard to figure out"

WHAT THE FUCK!! you just figured it out!

I laughed awkwardly as we kept on walking.

Last week :

Amy and I were at the hiding place in school, we skipped class just because

"Amy, I need to tell you something" I said

"Okay, whats up?" she asked

"Remember my crush?"

"Yeah, what about her, are you finally going to ask her out?!" she asked excitedly, like it was something she hoped for.

   Well, I'm not going to ask you out yet, but I am going to confess my feeling and hope for the best.

   Alright, here goes nothing, you can do this Andrew!

"it's, it's y-"  urgh, why is this so hard for me to say?

   She gave me a questioning look, obviously trying to figure out what I was trying to say,

  Fuck, I'm just gonna say it

   "erm, Amy I like you" I said, my heart beat was starting to race.

  What is she going to say?, how will she react?

   Her puzzled expression, quickly turned into a small smile

"I know, duh?" she said

What the?

"Wh-what? you know??" I asked puzzled

  How did she know? last week she seem oblivious to the fact, what happened between now and then?

wait, who cares. she knows! And that's good, that's a start.

  A smile started to form on my face.

"You know?" I asked again.

"Well yeah, we wouldn't be friends if you didn't like me duh, and I like you too, so are you going to tell me who your crush is or not" she said

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