Chapter 4

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Drews POV..


The door bell rang, taking me by surprise, In my dazed state and for some stupid reason, I took of my shirt and threw it under the couch, then opening the door,

I immediately cursed myself for not waiting a few seconds or minutes atleast before opening, I could see shock in her eyes,

Why the fuck did I even take of my shirt, urgh!

As an attempt to cover my embarrassment, I smirked and said "Amies were you that desperate to see me, couldn't you wait a little longer"

  the second that left my mouth I mentally face-palmed myself, Why am I acting so stupid around her?, who still says stupid things like these

She sighed and rolled her eyes "I came here fast so I could leave just as fast, oh and dude, put on a shirt you look like a wet kitten" with that she walked in.

I stood there for what felt like hours but I knew were seconds, i'm sure externally I looked calm, but internally I am screaming, what the fuck!! 'wet kitten' not a grown ass cat, not a dog or even a wolf, not like they were any better, but kitten!! And worst a wet one at that!, the images of cute kittens I see on youtube suddenly popped in my head, causing me to smile, but then I imagined someone pouring a bucket of water on it, how creepy it looked, and I cringed.

Not to brag, but people actually prayed to see me shirtless and she ju- ok, that's a lie, but you get the point,

and why the fuck do I think she looked beautiful even though she just insulted me, yep, I seriously need mental help.

When I realised I was staring at nothing, I closed the door and led her to my room, still wondering what I had in common with a wet kitten,

the second we entered my room, I picked a shirt and wore it.

I didn't really speak for the next one hour and she didnt even care, she just focused on the project, only spoking when it had something to do with the project and that was it, at first I just wanted her to be the first to talk to me but after the first thirty minutes it was clear she was enjoying the silence so I kept it going.

An hour later, my phone rang, thankfully breaking the ear blocking silence, I blessed the person who called but when I saw who it was, I decided not to answer it and just let it keep ringing, then I saw Amy glaring at me so I ended the call,

hoping Jane would get the message and not call again, but knowing her she pro-

*Ring ring*  yep, I Was right

Amy glared at me again, I just smiled and turned off my phone.

Two minutes later, the house phone in my room started ringing

"dude, the fuck!" Amy shouted, I could tell she was annoyed, damn the girl got temper

"Sorry, it's Jane, she has been calling"

   she was about to say something when...

"Drew pick up the phone, you can't do this to me, you can't break up with me, I love you, Dreeew!!!" Jane shouted.

Then she started fake crying, something she loved doing "Drew honey don't break my heart, I still need you, Drew if you break up with me people will think I'm dying, or worse worthless"

then it was quiet, what did she mean by she still needs me? I am not even as popular as she is, we didn't even do anything together,

I could have sworn she ended the call, and was greatful until... "Dreeww, fuck you, I won't let you go so easily, you won't be the one to break up with me" she shouted before ending the call.

I was shocked, bewildered, and baffled altogether, what the fuck was that, Is that what this is about?, because I was the one who ended things?

I looked at Amy expecting to see an angry expression on her face, but to my surprise, she burst into laughter and it was real, not those half real or fake smiles but a real one and boy did she look beautiful

I just stared at her, well aware my ears were heating up, I'd completely forgotten about the voice mail, all I could think about was how beautiful she looked while laughing, how her beautiful brown eyes lit up, giving it a little shine, how her long brown hair followed the movements of her head, how I wanted to touch her beautiful hair and her soft looking cheeks, but all I did was stare.

She laughed for about five minutes or so, she laughed so much her eyes started to water,

when she finally calmed down I asked "are you done" still looking at her beautiful smiling face,

She really is cute,

"Yes, I'm done, sorry I couldn't help it" she snickered,

Sorry for what?, for showing me how beautiful you look laughing?  I don't think so, that's what I wanted to say,

Instead, I replied "no problem, sorry about that, I broke up with Jane, we only dated for three weeks, and she isn't taking it too well"

"Yeah I noticed" she was still smiling, in that moment I was happy Jane called because now Amy is smiling, and it's directed at me.

I think she noticed I was staring at her because she immediately composed herself and wiped the smile of her face,

"no need to explain yourself, lets just finish this" she said, and once again the room fell quiet.

Fuck, I knew I was staring too much, nice work Drew, nice work.

After another two hours of complete silence, Amy had to go because it was getting late,

luckily for me we couldn't finish the project so she said she would come by the next day, so we could finish it.

I could see she wasn't really happy about it, but I honestly didnt care, I was happy that we didn't finish.

I invited her to stay for dinner but she said she made plans with her dad, then I offered to walk her home, but she also refused that as well and said there was no need, I could have pushed, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, maybe some other time.

So we said our goodbye at the door and then she left,

I'm looking forward to tomorrow

Ooohh I can't wait!!!


Another chapter done, sorry again I know it's not long.

I'll be going back to Amy's POV so expect,

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