Chapter 12

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Saturdays are usually my resting days, I sleep till ten or eleven, heck sometimes till two, but today I woke up quite early; It was just 8:57.

After rolling around for a bit, I got up, went downstairs to see dad talking on the phone with someone, they were arguing, probably about a business contract.

With the way he's dressed, he's probably gonna go to some type of meeting.

I pecked his cheeks as I said good morning, he waved at me as he wore his watch, still on the phone.

"Yes, I know, but we need to send the document in by Monday" dad replied the person on the line.

I went back to my room and tied my hair up in a messy bun, getting ready to brush my teeth, I was about to when I heard the doorbell ring, so with the toothbrush in my mouth, I went back downstairs knowing dad would still be on the phone, and I'll have to open the door.

"Yes, but I can't today, I already have pla-" I heard dad say as I walk passed the stairs to the door.

who could it be? it's just 9:30 am.

I looked down at myself, checking what I was wearing; a blue shirt 3 times my size, shorts you can barely see under the shirt and a toothbrush in my mouth.

Mehh, I'm presentable enough.

It's probably just a neighbour, most likely sweet Mrs Montana.

"Good morning Mrs M-" I said as I opened the door, only to see Drew standing there.

"dude, the fuck? its barely morning" I said a little shocked to see him so early.

He smiled, then raised an eyebrow after looking at me from head to toe.

"Wow, you really went out of your way to look good didn't you" he said sarcastically as he Snickered 

"what's wrong with how I look? I tried my very best to please you, your great Majesty" I gave a little bow at the end

He rolled his eyes "Well, how do I start little peasant, your hair is... messy, is that a bugger in your eye? Oh! Let's not forget, you've been talking a toothbrush in your mouth" he deadpanned.

I chuckled "So? you're my friend, why should I pretend to care about how I look?"

"Wow, and here I thought we had something more than friendship" he held his chest pretend to be hurt.

I rolled my eyes and held the door open "well?, are you coming in or not?"

He entered "thanks and good morning to you too"

By now dad was done with his call.

"Honey, who was that?" he asked as we entered the sitting room.

"Dad this is my friend Drew, he'll be spending the day here"

"Good morning sir, my name is Drew Parker"

"Nice to meet you son, how come this is the first time I'm hearing of you?" he replied looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, we both know I already told you about him before dad, No need to act all tough.

"Well sir, it's a new friendship that just started"

"Is that so?" Dad gave him a weird look I didn't understand.

"Ye-yes sir"

Dad was staring at Drew and Drew was trying his best to look brave

I cleared my throat "well, I'm going to freshen up, so Drew, err... stay with dad" I gestured with my hands

Drew looked at me in horror, I could tell his eyes were saying no no no don't you dare leave me with your dad

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