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Last Period :

"ok class, yesterday we discussed about the law of-" the teacher was talking but I completely zoned out,

I can't believe the conversation I had with Amanda over an hour ago, is she right?,

No, she couldn't be.

Damnit, what if she is?, will this ruin my relationship with Drew?,

what if I actu-  no!!, that can't be, but still what if?

Oh my gosh I can't think straight,

but all evidence proves that she is right,

Maybe I just need to accept it,


No, I won't, I can't!

I can't believe this...



About 90 minutes ago :

"Excuse me, please I'd like to see Amanda" I said to the clerk who was obviously new, the last time I was here a man was sitting there

"Do you have an appointment" she said without looking at me

"No, but please can you tell her it's Amy monroe, she'll see me"

She looked at me as she picked up the phone and dialed

"Hello, Miss Amanda, one Amy Monroe is here to see you" she said still looking at me

"Oh let her in" I heard Amanda say through the phone

"This way Miss" she said as she opened the door for me and then left, I didn't need her to show me the way but I let her

"Amy, what are you doing here?, don't you have classes now" she asked, smiling as she hugged me

"Yeah I have a free period, the teacher called in sick" I lied

"Well common sit, would you like something to drink"

"No thanks, I'm ok" I need to get straight to the point, and I know she can help me

"So why the suprise visit" she said, her smile not wavering

"Erm... I have something to tell you, but you can't tell dad"

Her face turned serious "oh, what's wrong, what's the problem"

"Erm... I think I'm sick Amada, like really sick" I said with a worried expression on my face

"Jesus christ, Amy what do you mean, you're not making sense" she started to panic,

I can't blame her, even I am panicking

"It started after my birthday, my heart became unstable" I answered

"Oh my God, Amy we need to call your dad, he needs to hear this too, this could be very serious" she said picking up her phone

"No!, wait please, I just- I want to talk about it with you first, I don't want him to panic" I said stopping her with my hand

She looked at me pleadingly, but let go of the phone "ok, but you have to tell me everything, I'll cancel my next appointment so we can go to the hospital afterwards"

"Ok" I agreed, thank God I came to her, even if she doesn't know, the doctors will

"Ok, you can keep explaining as we leave"  she stood up and started gathering her things "so, what else do you feel?" she continued, "chest pain?, throwing up?, dizziness?, short breaths?" She asked picking up her phone and bag..

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