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I slept soundly that night next to Jonathan since he wouldn't leave me alone. He was nervous that I'd suddenly disappear through thin air. But basically it was now morning and I slept good but jonathan looked like crap.... He basically stayed up all night so why wouldn't he though? I mean he was still handsome and all. His eyes were amazing, nothing like I've ever seen before. Damn and his smile! Well luckily he was into girls like me...I mean we weren't officially dating or were we? I don't know but we could make a cute killer couple right? I wonder what our child would look like? Not that im rushing I mean if we had a kid, id hope our child gets his look...

"So what do you think?" jonathans voice interrupted my thoughts. "Huh." I blinked in confusion. "What do you think?" he repeated raising his fork and stuffing a piece of waffle into his mouth. I leaned back in the diner booth and bit my bottom lip. "About what?" I asked a bit embarrassed for zoning out. He chuckled lightly and took a sip of his coffee. "What do you think about coming to a uh business dinner tonight with me?" he asked again. "And don't do that?" he quickly said before my reply. "Yeah sure dinner sounds fun. And don't do what?" I asked in confusion. "Don't bite your lip like that!" he chuckled again eating another piece of his food. I took a sip of my coke before replying. "Why not?" I smirked at him teasingly. "Because you just-" he grinned. "You just look too cute that's all.." I giggled lightly at his words. "Oh well in that case!" I said biting my lip again making him laugh.

"So what I really want to know.." he said leaning back on the booth. "Is how you and joker got thrown into arkham that time I met you?" his words came out questioning me, tempting me to tell him. I leaned onto the table taking a breath in. "Oh well it was just joker and I messing around like usual. But see that night I didn't want to go... I wanted to stay at home but he made me go." I bit my lip again. It was a habit..... "Oh well it's a good thing you went!" I watched as the words left jonathans lips and kissed my ears. "Cause we would've never met." He smirked at me making me smile back. "Yeah maybe I should've stayed home.." I teased smirking to him. He gave me a hysterical shocked look and we both ended up laughing.

"Can I get you two anything else?" the waitress asked popping her bubble gum. "No thanks just the check?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah ok.." the waitress left. We paid for our food and left getting into the car.

"so what ya wanna do now?" I asked him crossing my legs as I buckled myself in. "Actually I got something in mind.." he smirked. "well what is it?" I asked curiously tilting my head. "You'll see when we get there." I rolled my eyes at him and gave a pout. He only shook his head grinning as he drove. "Fine!" I gave in. "You know I like the whole uh purple hair thing. Is that trending now a days?" he chuckled as he gave me the small talk. "Trending?" I laughed rolling my eyes. "Um I don't know is it trending?" I asked him teasingly. He laughed. "Never mind then.." he said. "I don't know the trends.." I told him. "I mean I usually know whats trending inside the Arkham walls but that's it.." I laughed. "And whats trending in Arkham?" he questioned me. "Oh ya know... Murder, destruction, mentally ill, and brutality" I laughed. "the usual." He smiled at me as he continued to drive.

We pulled up to a huge parking lot that was somewhat filled but not too much. "Lets go princess..." he said getting out of the car. I followed. "Where are we?" I asked him as he took my hand leading me up the entrance. "You'll see! Patience dear.." he chuckled. I gasped when we reached the entrance. We were at a carnival. "I uh hope your not scared of heights or roller coasters or something.." he trailed off as we entered in. "Well theres part of me that is because you know... The possibility of death.. Then theres the rebel part that loves the adrenaline rush and is like 'screw it'.." I chuckled. "So is that a no or a yes?" he said as we made our way to the tea cup ride. "The rebel part over powers it.. so no im not scared." I laughed. We got into the Purple tea cup and started spinning like crazy. We were going so fast that everything in view was hazy. Except he wasn't. It seemed like he was the only thing I could see. I felt so alive and different, happy even. And trust me it was not because I was on a tea cup ride. It was him. I used to think love was the way the joker treated me. That every hit and every kick was an 'I love you' but I never knew that there was a different side to it. Im not saying im in love no... I like him a lot. But love? I laughed as we spun around my hands on the wheel. I felt so happy something I'd never really known. It was like ive been in a dark tunnel and now I see the light at the end of it. Hopeful. Pure. But im not there yet. I still have along way to walk before I could ever reach that light. Because things aren't always as they seem.

The ride slowly stopped as we got off. "Fun huh?" jonathan said looping his arm around mine. "Yeah!" I laughed. "I used to come here all the time as a kid.." He smiled remembering it. "Really?" I asked him as we slowly strode around. "Yeah everytime I snuck out to get away from the damn fighting my parents did..." he chuckled bitterly. "Life was rough huh?" I asked him. "Story for another time.." he mumbled before smiling to me once again and putting his walls up.

We rode so many different rides. Roller coasters, tea cups, haunted houses, and now we stood in the line for our last ride. The ferris wheel. We were next. "Alright enjoy the ride!" the ferris wheel guy said as we got into the small booth like seats. We buckled ourselves. "You know this ride is famous for people kissing at the top.." he chuckled as he took my hand in his. "Oh really?" I smirked at him raisning my eyebrow.

We made our way slowly to the top and my heart pounded threatening to burst out of my chest. "Well.." jonathan said looking up at the sky and everywhere besides me. "We're at the top.." He chuckled. "Yeah I guess we are.." I smiled as his eyes finally met mine. He leaned closer to me moving his hands to brush away my hair and cup my face. And then.. He kissed me.

ok hey hey heyyyyyy

shout out to:


(You rock ;)..)



PHOBIA (Jonathan Crane scarecrow)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя