true friends

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I took a deep breath in as I sat on the couch with joker. Watching the television although I couldn't pay attention. I missed Jonathan. Him and his sweet and sometimes goofy self. I smiled remembering reaching for those damn pasta noodles. I wish I could go back to that moment. Because I was happy for a time.

"So what do you say doll?" Jokers voice cut through my thoughts. I turned to him as he smacked his lips.


"I said let's go on a uh-picnic-hmm?" He said grinning

"Uh sure I guess." I sighed. What was the point? After spending time with Jonathan this seemed like nothing.

"Ok let's go!" He said as he bounced off the couch excitedly.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yeah c'mon uh ace. Such a slow poke!" He said as he poked my arm.

I got up and dragged myself to the car.

We drove until we got to an abandoned building. I turned to him confused. "I thought we were going on a picnic?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Well uh it's not exactly that. But if we survive and or escape I guess we can get food after?" He said licking his lips and cracking his knuckles.

"What do you mean survive and escape?" I asked nervously.

"Three. Two. One." He counted down. "!" The building in front of us exploded causing pieces of it to fly everywhere I ducked while the joker laughed.

"The hell?!" I cursed out.

"Now now! The..batman?" He said eyeing our surrounding. "Maybe he's running late? " he muttered. He turned to me and said: "you think he's caught in traffic?" Then laughed.

I rolled my eyes and slumped in my seat and before I knew it batman sped into the scene.

Well as annoyed as I was batman took me and joker back into Arkham.

I sat in the activity room alone. I hated this. The same routine. It used to be fun but now I'm just tired of it.

"I wanna get out if here.." I mumbled to myself.

"Well don't hold your breath.." A familiar voice spoke softly and sweetly. Instantly I froze and couldn't breath. I bit my bottom lip scared to turn around.

"Jonathan?" I peeped out.

"Paranoia. I'm so sorry."

I stood up and turned around face to face with him. I took a look into those eyes full of sorrow and regret.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Because I needed my life back. I was supposed to work at Westfield asylum but instead got my Arkham position back. Lucky enough you wound up here too." He chuckled sadly. "I missed you.." He sighed. "After getting everything back, it couldn't make up for what I lost. You."

I took in a deep breath. A long pause filled the room. I could feel tears prickle my eyes.

"I-I-" I couldn't seem to form the right words. I took a deep breath and studied him. I was done with the shit and the lies from both of them. I think its time to just look out for myself..

"I never meant to hurt-" I cut him off slapping him hard.

"Shit!" He cursed out cupping his face.

"Don't play innocent with me John. I'm not taking shit from you or joker anymore I'm fucking done!" I spat. Then I turned to walk away.

"Wait!" He called. I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn around.

" I guess it's true...True friends stab you in the front..." I mumbled then left.

You damn Asshole...

PHOBIA (Jonathan Crane scarecrow)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora