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She had stormed in rampidly, my weak and frail body leaned against the wall in the corner where i sat. Watching her as she muttered bitterly under her breath. In the dim light she glanced to me with a scowl and quickly looked away, she looked upset. She moved to lean againts the wall across from me and crossed her arms.

"Have you guys fucked yet?" she spat in a raised brow and held a dead gaze on me.

"What?" my voice was croaked and quiet. My head pounded and i felt sick to my stomache after all that doctor did to me, the electrocution, deprivation of water, my energy felt drained, and tired.

"Have you fucked him yet?" she looked away. Only furrowing my brows i watched her.

"Who are you talking about?" i mumbled to which my question was responded with a bitter laugh.

"oh,  that's right. I forgot-" she licked her lips and tilted her head back. "Youre a slut. Exclusively deciding between two guys right?" Remaining silent as she spoke she proceeded to talk once again. "Joker, Jonathan, hell maybe youre fucking the security gaurd too? Would probably be the reason youre able to get out so easily."

"What do you want?" i snapped, my patience was growing thin. Curiousity struck me with this girl. She held hatred to me all of  a sudden, yet i didnt know her.

"It isnt about what i want, its what he wants."

"Who?" i asked.

"Does it matter?" she muttered.

"Youve held me here against my will, so yes. " My voice began to rise with anger. Yet she wouldnt respond.

"Who?" i yelled.

"Dont yell at me!" she snapped, her eye twitched slightly as she calmed with a deep breath.

"Who?" i asked again.

"The bat."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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