Chapter 5

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How was your game last night?

I read the text from Dante and smiled slightly. I pushed my lunch tray out of the way so I could text him back with my elbows on the table.

I responded back with, Pretty good. We won 5-2 so that was nice. How about you?

I stared at my phone, not bothering to put it down as I waited for Dante to reply. I wasn't left waiting for long as he sent me a new message after just a minute.

Congrats, man! Beat Palisades 7-5 it was a good game. Rough but good.

I was pulled out of my little private world when someone shoved me unceremoniously. I almost toppled out of my chair, but I caught myself by grabbing the edge of the table.

"Dude," Nathan snapped at me. I glared at him, realizing he had been the one who had pushed me. "Why are you staring at your phone like that?"

"Like what?" I asked, clearly irritated by the rude interruption.

"All happy and shit," Nathan answered. "Smiling and whatever."

"You talking to a girl?" Anthony teased from across the table.

He made a grab for my phone but I pulled it away instantly. There was no way in hell I would ever let one of these idiots touch my phone. If they saw the kind of stuff Dante and I talked about--if they even knew we talked at all--everything would change. I would be so screwed. Not to mention, it would be embarrassing.

"Nah, man," I said, trying to stay casual.

Andrew smirked at me from his seat next to Anthony. "I bet you are. Got a girlfriend you ain't telling us about?"

"Or a boyfriend!" someone called down the long table.

I snapped my head to look and, yep, it was Dakota. I glared at him. We both knew that under these circumstances--while my friends were joking around with me--no one would think he was serious. But still. He was acting like a massive douche by even saying something like that.

"Fuck off, Spicer," Anthony snapped, throwing a fry at the boy a few seats away. He turned to look at me, ignoring Dakota completely now. "Serious talk now, though. Party tonight."

He grinned and the entire table immediately started talking louder. It was like the mere mention of a party got everyone riled up. I couldn't really relate since I thought they were death traps waiting to happen and didn't really enjoy them all that much. I did my best not to roll my eyes at everyone, though.

"Your ass better be there this time, Sinclair," Anthony threatened with one of his crispy fries.

Nathan nudged me and gave me a solemn look. "If you're not there, we have a whole kidnapping scenario all planned out. There's no way you're staying home tonight."

"Yeah, dude," Andrew said. "You can't miss topless, soaking wet girls two weekends in a row."

I scoffed. "As if any of you could get another girl to do that. Natasha was probably wasted."

Nathan shrugged at me. "Probably. I know I was. How else do you think we'd have ended up having sex in my car afterwards?"

"You do realize that's not something to brag about? Having to get a hot girl drunk in order to do you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then most of the guys around us erupted in laughter. I hadn't even been trying to be funny. It was only the truth. Nathan mocked us and punched me really hard on the arm so I hit him back before things started to die down. All the guys went back to talking about the party and the details about where it was.

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