Chapter 11

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We walked for about fifteen minutes until we reached the point where the trail first started narrowing. As we came upon the large, smooth marble boulders, I was slightly awestruck by our surroundings and I wished, not for the first time, that my parents had taken me somewhere like this before.

I rather enjoyed doing a little bit of hiking and getting to see the wonder of nature that was all around us always blew my mind. The level of isolation didn't hurt either as Dante silently refused to let go of my hand. It felt kind of good to put some space between society and myself; I sort of felt like it was easier to breathe and just be myself without having a thousand people following my every move with their critical and judgmental eyes.

After a while, we had reached a little spot that made a great outlook and I was busy taking a picture of the low-lying sunset on my phone when I said, "God, this is seriously so beautiful."

"Yeah, you are," Dante said.

My heart started thudding strangely in my chest and I lowered my phone to look at him. He had a smirk on his face, his own phone held up and pointing right at me.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" I asked slowly.


"Let me see," I said, walking over to him. I grabbed his wrist and faced the screen towards me. I studied the picture for a moment before deciding, "I look stupid. You should delete it."

Dante screwed up his nose and scoffed. "No way. You look hot, babe."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring my sudden heart palpitations. "Whatever."

"Can we be done with the sunset?" he asked.

Dante tucked his phone away and grabbed onto my wrist, not waiting for me to respond. He tugged me after him as he started to walk away from the little natural ledge we had been standing on.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes yet again. "Why? You got something better planned?"

Dante just widened his smirk and continued to pull me away from the trail. I gave him a questioning and confused look but that didn't stop him. He only glanced away and kept going. We walked a few more feet until we were on the opposite side of the boulders that the trail cut through.

"What are we doing?" I finally asked.

Dante smiled wickedly and pushed me up against one of the very large, very smooth rocks. He brought his face close and spoke with his lips brushing teasingly against mine. "Try to be quiet in case someone comes down this way."

I only had time to furrow my eyebrows before Dante pressed his lips the rest of the way onto mine. My eyes instantly slid closed and Dante stepped even closer so that his tight, muscular body was pinning me up against the rock. My arms went around his back to try and pull him even closer as his tongue slipped passed my lips.

Dante trailed his hands up and down my sides a couple times before stopping at my hips. He dug his fingers in firmly and situated our hips so that our groins were perfectly aligned. I made a sound of approval in the back of my throat as I continued to kiss him.

Dante pulled back first and I pouted at the loss of contact. He smiled at me and I watched his eyes fill with lust. His strong hands moved between our lower halves and he gave my bulging crotch a teasing squeeze before letting go. I gasped and lightly smacked him on the shoulder.

"Hey!" I protested. "Don't be a tease."

Dante smirked and said, "You know you like it."

I grinned and leaned back in to give him another searing kiss. His hands went back to the front of my pants and his fingers curled into my waistband. He used his hold on the fabric to pull me into him a few times as he grinded against me. After the third time, I couldn't hold it back any longer and I quietly moaned into Dante's mouth.

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