Chapter 29

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By lunch, I desperately wanted to go home. Nathan may have successfully warded off that girl before school from recording our conversation, but he wasn't there after my second class when two short girls cornered me and blocked the exit of the room to ask me questions about how long I'd been dating Dante and what we'd been fighting about.

"Get out of the way," I said, trying extremely hard to keep myself under control. "Please."

"You guys together is such a hot image," the bolder girl said to her friend. The way she was eyeing my body made me feel exposed, like she was trying to conjure a picture of Dante and me having sex in her head.

"Seriously," I said more firmly. "Let me out of this room now."

"Come on," the girl urged. "Just tell us something!"

"It's none of your fucking business," I yelled. Before I could stop myself, I grabbed her around the waist and physically moved her, putting her down behind me so I could run out into the hall. She yelled profanities after me, something about how she was putting that in her blog, and I wanted to crawl under a rock.

"People are fucked up," I said, slamming my textbooks down onto our usual lunch table where half of the lacrosse team were already seated. I couldn't help but to glance over them, trying to gauge their emotions as best I could. No one met my eyes besides my best friends. I finished my thought process by saying, "Severely."

Nathan gave me a sympathetic look. "What happened now?"

"Girls are psychotic. Are they not all over you with questions?" I asked, keeping my voice down. "About you and Jason?"

"Well, yeah, some of them are, but I just ignore it if I don't wanna answer."

"How the hell do you do that? These two girls were just interrogating me for some stupid blog or whatever. I literally had to pick one of them up and move her myself to get out of my classroom."

Anthony laughed but Andrew elbowed him until he stopped. "Sorry, just funny to imagine it."

"It wasn't funny," I told him harshly. "I didn't sign up for this shit. I just want to be left alone."

Andrew patted my shoulder sympathetically and I wanted to punch him. "Just steer them in Nathan's direction next time. He likes the attention."

I looked over at Nathan who just shrugged. "Seriously?"

"I don't mind it too much. I'm a bit of a narcissist."

I snorted. "At least you're aware. I'm gonna kill Dante."

"You guys haven't made out--I mean up yet?" Greyson asked, leaning over and suddenly cutting into our conversation.

I glared at him. "We aren't fucking together."

"Does he know that?" Greyson asked, laughing.

I watched with a crease in my forehead as a few other guys tuned in and began snickering at my expense. I wanted to fall through the floor and die at that moment.

"Yes, and it's none of your business anyway," I lashed out.

"Dude, show some respect for your captain," Anthony told our teammates. His tone was stern but he only got eye rolls and scoffs in return.

Anthony was about to say something else when Dakota walked up and sat down in the seat across from me. "What's going on?" he asked, looking at his friend. The whole table was coated in a thick layer of silent tension. "Grey?"

"Nothin' just asking Harley if being fucked by the whole panthers' lax team was worth it," Greyson said, trying to hold back his laughter as he gave me a condescending smile. I changed my mind about wanting to punch Andrew. I wanted to punch Greyson Giraud in the throat. "Was it?"

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