Chapter 13

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I was just beginning to stir awake the next morning when a loud gasp and a girlish squeal woke me the rest of the way.

"Oh my God," someone said. "What are you two doing?"

I was still fairly groggy and my mind was in a hazy sleep state as I tried to process who was speaking as well as what the words meant. I got my bearings back well enough to turn towards the door of the tent only to realize that a body was plastered against mine. I froze for a second and then heard the sound of Dante's loud snores blaring into my ears.

My heart immediately began pounding with anxiety and I shoved the larger boy away from me. I glanced back at the opening of the tent to see adorable little Daisy standing there looking shell-shocked as she gaped at us.

Dante finally began to wake up--thanks to my rough handling--and eyed me warily before grittily saying, "What's going on?"

I bit my lip and fixed him with a glare. I pointed at the door and said, "Ask her."

Dante gave me a confused look before his eyes flicked over to settle on Daisy. And when he put it all together, I could see the realization flash across his face before his expression turned to one of dread and humiliation.

At first I felt a sharp stinging in my chest at the thought that Dante was ashamed of me, but I quickly pushed that away. I had to remind myself that it wasn't me, it was just the whole situation in general. I mean, I knew if I had a thirteen year old sister, I wouldn't want her to catch me half-naked cuddled up next to a guy--or anyone for that matter. And honestly, if it was me that was the problem, he wouldn't bring me around his house so often to hang out with his family, and he certainly wouldn't have asked me to come on this trip.

Dante quickly pulled himself together and said, "Daisy, don't get ahead of yourself."

The thirteen year old's blue eyes went wide in disbelief. "You were holding him! And you're both shirtless. There's no way I've got this wrong."

"Keep it down," Dante hissed.

"Oh my gosh, you're gay, aren't you?" she asked. Daisy turned her curious eyes on me and said, "You are too, right? Holy shit!"

My eyes widened and I watched Dante frown. "Watch your mouth," he scolded. "And no, we aren't."

A small smile settled onto Daisy's lips. She eyes us knowingly. "Yes, you are. God, you two are so cute. I can't believe this, though. You guys don't even look gay!"

I snorted, slightly offended. I hated when people said things like that, because, honestly, what does that even mean? Being gay isn't really something you can see, it's just a small part of who you are. It was also very insulting when people assumed you couldn't play sports just because you were gay.

If people bothered to get past the stereotypes, they'd see that your sexual orientation actually had nothing to do with athletic ability. I was proud that all you had to do was take one look at me on the lacrosse field to know that wasn't true.

"Shut up, Daisy," Dante snapped, his anger starting to come through, "before someone hears you talking crap."

"Don't worry, they're all at the bathrooms. Mom sent me to get you guys up but then I saw you cuddling--"

"We weren't cuddling. You're seeing things."

Daisy's smile widened and I bit my lip. "Yes, you were. You can calm down, though; I won't tell a soul."

Dante leaned forward with his elbows on his knees to fix his littlest sister with an icy stare. "Listen to me. There's nothing to tell. We're not gay."

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