•Newcomers• *

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As soon as we're out the pack, I nod to Lucia in the other car and she teleports us a mile from our home. I link her to tell her to rest as that was a lot of magic. We continue driving and the gates open when we are seen. They close once we enter and open the doors of the castle. Lucas parks the car and I get out. I smile and open the door for the Ts and the girls. They all slowly go out. I lead them to the castle and sit down in the living room.

Janelle comes into the living room and hugs me. "Hey. Welcome back. We have some issues" she says softly. "Okay, we'll deal with that in a moment. Girls, welcome to your new home. We have two options for you. As orphans you have the option of A, If you were only child you would get into a foster family here or live on your own in a small but nice small cabin or B, if you're more than one, you can live in a house and someone, mostly one of us here, go in the mornings and mostly after school to check up on you guys. Or option C, you stay in the castle! So?" I ask, offering option c to them because I know they're not capable currently of living alone, they have already become friends with my sons, and I think they'd fit right in here.

"We want to stay here" Athena answers quickly. "Separate rooms or together like my sons?" I ask, smiling. "Together" they in unison. I smile.
"Great. Boys, take them to the room beside yours on your left. Ask someone to add the 5 beds" They take them and I smile as one holds the other's hands... Interesting. As soon as they're up the stairs, I turn to Janelle. "What's up Janelle?" I ask. She looks at me. "Well, We have some newcomers. They were a bit rowdy so we put them in a jail cell. They were injured badly and so we had them checked out. One is in the pack hospital. Has bad burns" she says and I stand. "Let's go," I say.

We head downstairs and I see men on one cell, women on the other with teens and many many kids. They look up once they hear the door of the entrance slamming shut. "My Beta has described what happened but now I need information. Who here is your leader?" I ask. A guy about 25 stands. "I am, Miss. I'm Aaron Selvon, I was to be Beta of the pack. My mate and parents died. I led them here. We had heard about your pack. My Alpha had wanted to come here, make a treaty or something. Alpha Rivera attacked and many died. Most teens were just starting training so they had to be inside, my Alpha knew our pack wasn't strong enough so he made some of us warriors, teens, kids, and women leave as soon as the pack stepped foot in our territory"

I nodded, revealing no emotion. "My parents, the Alpha, Luna, and some warriors stayed behind. They knew they would die. Alpha had known that Alpha Rivera wanted these lands. That's why he was here the day he was going to..." He stops, holding back tears. "How do you know this?" I ask. "News spread. There was another rouge when this happened. He hated and hates Alpha Rivera. When he didn't have this territory, he tried to make treaties with weaker packs. My Alpha had no wish for it. He is a war Alpha, my Alpha wasn't. He gave me the territory papers. He told me to give it to our next Alpha, or someone we can trust. But to never let it fall in the hands of that Alpha. This is yours now, Alpha. If you will accept us of course" He says, handing me the papers. I hand it to Janelle.

"We accept rouges with a want for a new life, refugees seeking an end to hiding in the shadows. You are now part of the Fury Pack. These lands will help our growing pack. Janelle let them out of the cages! Jessie, go get two others to help you accommodate house number 12, the one close to here. For all of them, there are about at least 70 pack members. Aaron, you're going to be in charge of the house. We have about 20 other pack refugees. 20-60 from each pack. With this our pack will grow bigger and more space will be provided for everyone, this is where?" I ask.

"About 150 acres from here. It's all mainly forest. A town in the middle who knows about us. They're loyal to us. But they couldn't help us, and I wouldn't risk them. They only gave us food" he explains. "Very well. I will send some people to scout the area. I'll also contact the Council to make this official. Don't worry, any of you, this pack is dedicated. We defend one another. We are a pack. We have each other. And a kingdom with us. The Rouge king. He's kind of brutal but very kind" I tell them and they nod.

"And your kingdom..." Lucas says. I turn to face him. "Yes, and the Vamps. If they want to. Rember that but not right now. No Vamps know except your mom, dad, and warriors" I nod at him. "Hey. Alpha I don't mean to interrupt but you have visitors outside" June says as she appears. "Who is it June?" I ask. Who the hell? I never told anyone to come. "Hmm. Well according to them, they're the olden King Daniel and Queen Elizabeth. They said they need to formally meet their in-law. Oh, and the Queen said she wished to talk about your sense of style, something about not fit for a Queen" June says, checking her tablet. I mutter to myself and turn to Lucas. "Uhhm... Luke??"

"I'm sorry baby. I can't do anything as they're already here" Lucas looks guilty. Janelle lets the people out one by one. "How did they even know where we were?" I ask. I'm positive Lucia put up the barrier so our scent would be protected as we traveled.
"I'm pretty sure it had to do with that extra Vamp scent, I'm sorry," he says. That's it! Lucia only put it against other packs. "Well there's not much to do now, I guess. Tell them we will be there in 5 minutes June. We have some important issues to take care of" I tell her. She bows. "Yes Alpha" I sigh. I turn back to the now, out of the cell, members. "As I had said before, Jenny lead them to house 12, Please. Blake, Jessica, Dylan, Aidan, and Mason. You guys are to follow Aaron. Jessica's in charge. Go scout the territory and check in on the town, make sure no one from Kyle's pack finds you, then come back. I want a report. If there are any survivors, bring them. Get clothes and food then go. The rest of you, please follow Janelle" they nod, bow and head out to do their tasks.

I turn to Lucas, my beloved. "Now. Let's go meet the family" I say, hiding the fact that I'm scared. Those people look scary. Who wouldn't be scared?

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