•Underwater• *

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"Alpha?" I hear. "Yes, June, what is it?" I reply, not looking up from the paper on my desk. Lucas had gotten every single thing I asked for our change. It's been three weeks since we moved and it's alright but I miss the pack house.
"Governor Alexander called and asked that you go to the pack immediately, as the leaders of all the supernatural beings want a meeting with you. King Lucas would also have to go" she says.
I look up from the paper. June, my trusty secretary, had decided to come with us two days after we had left. She said because she thought she would like it, but I think she didn't like resting. She came from a very hard working pack that worked tirelessly.

"Confirm the meeting with them. It shall be in m- the pack house so they feel more comfortable. Inform Luke and tell him that we will be leaving tomorrow. The meeting, schedule it for two days from now" I say as I look at her tap away on her new tablet. A gift from Lucas. "Yes, Alpha. Alpha can I tell you something? A little thing?" She asks after a minute or two. "Of course June. Always" I smile. "I'm happy that you are being well-fitting in here and I'm happy to be your assistant but I also can't help but notice you miss the pack life" she comments and I put down my pen.

"That is somewhat true. I just miss being out in the wilderness, I suppose. Sure we were surrounded by a huge wall, but the forest. My wolf is super anxious at times but I can't possibly leave my position as Queen for even a few hours. If I did, my in-laws would try to take control. I have to be here for my mate. He lived with us, in my world. I will live in his. I miss the pack at times. It's a great place here yet it is kind of dull. The vampires are so... boring. They are very civilized. I miss going outside the pack and seeing the pups all over, teenagers hanging out, adults talking patrolling all of our perimeters, everything" I look back at all wonderful memories made there.

"I get it Alpha," she says and I focus. "Has there been any attack attempts on the border?" I ask seriously. "Well this one tried to climb up the one wall but got poisoned slightly by the wires, but other than that, it's perfectly safe," she says. "Good" I smile. June excuses herself and leaves. I continue working on my paper.


-Lucas's POV-

"... but I also can't help but notice you miss the pack life" As I'm walking past the closed study door I share with my beautiful beloved, I hear June talking. I put my ear kind of close to the door and listen. There is no sound until I hear my beloved's voice. "That is true..." I hear up until they begin on something else. I stop listening and sigh. I knew she wasn't happy from the beginning, but I wanted to believe she would love the place in time. It's obvious she does this only for me. She thinks that she's in debt with me for living in her world, that now she has to live in mine. I mutter and vamp down the hallway, far from the study.

I mutter and see Carlos. "I'm leaving. I'll be back... sometime" I don't wait for him to respond, rather, I run out the back door. Right now, I'm so not caring that I'm supposed to be a King. I run, using my vampire speed, I rush through the forest, not caring or stopping. I suddenly see the cliff that Carlos and I used to jump to get to the lake and have fun. I glare and I jump, not caring to be careful of not falling where the sharp rocks are. I feel the cold of the water and stay under the water, glad that I don't have to breathe. I sit down at the bottom of the lake and close my eyes.


-Alexandria's POV-

I stand after finishing my papers and go to the door. When I open it, I notice the faint smell of my mate. I see Carlos biting his lip nervously. "Hey, Carlos. Have you seen Lucas?" I ask. "He told me he was going out and would be back some time and just left. He looked sad and angry. It's been thirty minutes. I'm just worried" he says.
"It'll be fine. He most likely went for a walk. He'll be back in an hour or so" I say, not worried. Usually, he was stressed from doing Kingly duties.
He nods but I wonder if I'm trying to convince him or myself of what I said.

****7 hours later*****

"Alexandria! We can't find him anywhere! I'm worried!" Carlos yells.
Suddenly my in-laws arrive, very worried. "Where is my son? I haven't seen him. He was supposed to meet up with the consult five hours ago! He has never missed a meeting without explaining himself" his mother yells.
"We can't find him. He's been missing seven hours now. Where could he be?! You know what, fuck it. I'm tired of being told to stay inside while you search for him. He is my mate so as his mate, I'm going to search for him" I growl and rush outside. Carlos grabs me. "Alexa, be rational. Our King is missing. You are our Queen. If anything happens to you, we are done for!" He says. I tell him to put me down and nod. I turn to make it seem as if I'm walking. Carlos begins following me. I quickly push him away and run past him. I shift and gosh, does it feel good. I rush past the castle and into the forest. I smell a faint trail of my mate and I follow it.

I see a cliff and his scent disappears there. I growl and without a second thought, shift and jump down. I open my eyes and I realize I can see well due to my power with water, as well as breathing underwater. I look around and I find him. With his eyes closed, just there. I am so mad right now. I use the water to move me to him and look at him. I swim over to him slightly and sit on his lap. He opens his eyes and when he sees me, I notice a slight tear before it disappears into the water. I move the water so there's a space that has no water, just the ground, and the water around us. I hug him tightly then I slap him so hard I can almost hear it.

"You idiot. I was so fucking worried about you! You had me send everyone searching for you since they wouldn't let me go! Then I got mad, and here I am! Why, are you trying to fucking kill yourself or something?!" I yell, my anger barely contained in this bubble.
He looks guilty, but kind of amused. I growl and I almost slap him again but he kisses me. I kiss him back so he can sense my anger, sadness, love, and hatred for him being an idiot. "I'm sorry. I heard what you said. I don't want your living here to be a bad experience" He said after we pull away. I cry. "No. It's just. I miss there... It was the place I became an adult. The place I shed my tears of rejection and met happiness with my friends then you... Because of that place, I met you. I like it here though. It's full of beautiful spots. It's perfect. Yes, I miss it, but I wouldn't leave because you are here" I tell him. He kisses me.

"How long have I been here?" He asks.
"Seven hours you baboon" I glare. "I am a vampire, not a baboon, wolf girl. I didn't know that. It didn't feel long. Come on, let's go Ms. Little Show off" I smirk and splash him lightly with water. We stand up and he holds me by the waist. I smile lightly and use the water to take us out. It complies and we are suddenly up in the ground. "Let's go. We have to go to the pack house tomorrow. We have a meeting with all the supernatural leaders" I tell him. He groans. "Great"

"Shush. We would have gone earlier if it weren't for your diva moment. The good thing was that you gave me a reason to shift" I say, Dulce and I feeling happy. "Well, you're welcome than" He smirks. "You aren't getting rid of your punishment for running away King," I say seriously, okay not really, but you get the point. "Oh, and what's that punishment?" He smirks.
"You'll just have to wait and see my King" I smile back. Oh, he has no clue of where he'll be sleeping tonight. (Definitely not with me!! A.K.A, the bathtub) We smile at each other and hold hands before slowly walking back home, hand in hand, talking.

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