•Revealing• *

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As if repeating the same pattern, they stand there as news cameras are recording the Vampire King and the Top Alpha. The media watches and stays silent as if waiting for the perfect moment to pounce with questions. "I thank every one of you for coming. First of all, I want to thank everyone who volunteered to help with my search two weeks ago. I know many of you have questions about what happened. I'm here- we are here to tell you and something that happened" Alexa speaks first and nods to Lucas. He takes a deep breath.

"As we were battling Kyle, we found out Kyle's wolf had mated Dulce, my mate's wolf, in the spiritual world. Kyle had her under his control. During our battle, it was found out that Kyle was also under control" People watch, breathless at the revelations. "After talking to him I convinced him to try and fight his wolf. As we fought and Lucas was losing, I finally managed to get my control and so did Kyle. We rejected one another at the same time and then, I killed him. His soul went out and the darkness disappeared. The soul of his wolf..." Alexa says calmly.

"Went into me, causing me to not only have a wolf but also the ability to shape-shift into a wolf. As well as Kyle being my wolf" Lucas finishes. It's all silent, for a split second, before the cameras go off and questions are blown at them. "King Lucas, King Lucas! Are you mad that Kyle is now your wolf?" One says. "King Lucas, how do you feel about your beloved's ex-mate now being your wolf!?" Another says. "Alpha Summers!! How do you feel about your two mates sharing the same body?? How does your wolf feel!?" One asks his mate.

"King Lucas, will you permit us to speak to Kyle!?" Everyone continues their questions and Alexandria goes and stands next to Lucas who holds her by the waist and raises a hand signaling for everyone to be silent.
"I assure you we will answer your questions. No, I'm not mad, Kyle is my wolf, he's okay. Also, I feel fine, Kyle is different now and he has loved her and he respects me and Alexa now and he's with Dulce" Lucas says and Alexa speaks. "I feel fine and Dulce is okay now too. She's happy she finally has a mate and I am glad for her as well. Dulce is content and I plan to keep it that way" Everyone looks at Lucas to answer the last question.

"As long as Kyle finds it okay, I am fine with letting him take over for a bit"
After asking Kyle, Lucas lets go and Kyle takes over. He pulls away from Alexandria as his eyes turn from their normal brown to an electrifying blue. Everyone watches with awe as the pure-blooded vampire king lets his wolf take over. Kyle in Lucas's body smirks. "Dog got your tounges?" Kyle says. Alexandria rolls her eyes.

Kyle smiles. "Anyways I have a few things to say to you before the loser takes over again. One, don't mess with me or him, whatever because I'll take over or his vampire side and you'll be dead. Two, don't fucking mess with Alexandria and loser's relationship. I've hurt her enough and now I'll defend her. Three, leave my mate, Dulce alone, she does not want to get reproached about my wolf, she made a mistake and I'll help her through it. And last, my left side is my good side, oh also, I'm kind of happy I'm sharing with this loser because our fur is wicked awesome!! And I'm finally taller than Alexandria/ Dulce in wolf form!" He finishes and lets Lucas take over. Lucas' eyes turn back to their original brown and he rolls his eyes. He hugs Alexa and she hugs back.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming. This time, we will face many hardships about us and all we can say is we will face them. I may now be half-werewolf but no one will question my authority as King. If any you have any questions about anything in our kingdom and pack, you may send either an sn e-mail or a letter" Lucas says. They leave as people continue yelling trying to get more information. The guards, both vampire, and werewolf manage to get them off the territory. Alexa holds Kyle's hand as they silently enter the house to see their family.


News reporter: In other news, Vampire King, Lucas King, and his beloved Alpha Alexandria Rene Carter Summers have had very shocking news. With the help of other supernatural creatures, they publicized their news, supernatural worldwide. After an intense search for the "missing alpha" as many have dubbed her, they found her trapped by Kyle Rivera, her ex-mate who rejected her, and her previous alpha. She had made an all-female pack which by many, many men had been dubbed, The 'Slut' Pack.

Her mate, King Lucas saved her and in an epic fight, Alpha Summers killed Kyle Rivera, both in good terms after it was found out Dulce, Alpha Summer's wolf had mated Kyle's wolf, Sean, in the spiritual world when the Alpha and future Queen was in a coma after saving Elder Oracle Ortence and Elder Werewolf William. Furthermore, Kyle is now King Lucas's wolf and The pure-blooded king is a full-on vampire but with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf and have a wolf spirit. The link on their shocking revelation is below.

Now we are here with the Queen of mermaids, Queen Denise who will have a brief chat with us about what really happened on the day, the missing alpha was rescued.

Alexandria rolls her eyes and turns off the laptop "All that is, is bullshit. They can go to hell with their news. What is the "truth" according to the Queen?" Alexa mutters. "I don't know hun but whatever they say, we know it's pure lies" Lucas consoles her. "Alpha, King, Mr. Alex, The Order of the Elders are here and they wish to speak to King Lucas and Tyler," June says. "What about me?" Alexa asks.
June responds that they only wish to see the two and Alexandria nods.

After a quick kiss, Lucas rises from his seat and walks towards the meeting room. Tyler also leaves his chat with Stephanie and leaves the room. Stephanie and Alexandria can do nothing but watch as they leave.

As Lucas and Tyler come back they are grim-faced. Tyler walks up to his mother. "Mother, I'd like a room for myself," Tyler says. Alexandria is shocked and so are the rest of the boys and the girls. Alexandria blinks back the shock and nods. "Uhm, sure, Tyler. I'll have one of the guys help you move your things and get you new furniture. You can pick out whichever room. The castle is pretty big after all" She says. Tyler nods and walks away to pick his own room. Lucas watches his son and then leaves quickly and quietly with his vampire speed, to his study. Alexandria turns to ask what they talked about but he is not there.

Stephanie leaves her sisters and the boys who are huddled together. She walks up to the staircase and looks through many rooms until she finds Tyler in a medium-sized bedroom towards the west wing, a whole other side from where they all were. He sits there and she joins him. Without asking anything, she hugs him and he stiffens slightly, before hugging her back. Alexandria follows the scent of her mate and enters the study. She sits next to Lucas in her chair right beside Lucas. She doesn't say a word but leans against him and he hugs her. "It may be difficult right now, but it'll be okay. Whatever happened in that room, I will find out and help my mate and my son, " Alexandria thinks.

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