Chapter 1

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Mari's POV

"IT'S THE DARK TOURNAMENT THIS YEAR!!YESS!!"Keisha said jumping up and down,creating thumps on the hotel's floor."Calm down ya White Wolf!"Callie snapped at Keisha,her immediately stopping.

Keisha was a tall,peach colored girl with glasses and short brown hair,wearing a T-shirt and jeans with purple platforms.

Callie came up to Keisha's shoulder and was a chocolate colored girl,who wore knee length shorts and a tank top,always wearing green flip flops.

And then there's me.I'm the shortest.I come up to Keisha's waist.I have shoulder length black hair,a cloak covering my whole body,but I was wearing a white tank top and black jeans,white boots that had the ends of of the jeans stuffed in them.

"Geez you don't have to be so mean..."I said looking up at her.Callie glared down at me,and I looked away and fixed the buttons on my cloak.Callie kinda scares me...Then the PA system came on,which meant all teams should report to the arena.

Me,Callie and Keisha were up against the Urameshi Team,who looks like they could be taken down easily,but looks can be deceiving.The Urameshi team was made up of 5 members.

One had black gelled up hair and a yellow shirt tucked into his blue pants,and he was arguing with the taller one.

The taller one had orange gelled up hair and wore a blue uniform.

The feminine looking one,Suichi Minamino hadn't changed a bit.Execpt for his hair.It was longer and had lost its dull red colour.Instead,it was brighter.And his uniform from school hadn't changed.

There's also a short one like me!!He had the same black cloak and crimson eyes,black and white hair and a bandana covering his forehead...Jagan eye maybe???

And a shorter one who only came up to the boy's hip wore a mask and a red/green/white dress.

"First round!Mari VS Kuwabara!"Sheila announced into the mic and the orange haired one gladly leapt up to the platform.He said something about my height,don't know what because I wasn't really listening,but be said something about my height."Say one more thing about my height and I will end you."I growled as I glared up at him."Okay...Begin!"

When Sheila said that,I disappeared from sight,reappearing behind him and delivering a kick to his back,at least knocking him down."That's for my height."I mumbled."Yeah whatever shortie."Kuwabara chuckled,got back up then created a sword out if his spirit energy."Impressive huh?"He asked swinging it around a little.I sighed and made a frickin mallet ten times my size and balanced on top of it.I watched in amusement as everyone on his team jaws dropped!

"Not really,"I gigged."I could make you into a orange pancake!"I said swinging it,about to smash him when he moved."I don't wanna be a pancake!"He whined."Hey is there anyway I could forfeit this fight to someone else?"He asked Sheila,who shook her head and took care to avoid my mallet.

"Stop running and fight me like a man you Wimp!"I growled as I swung it around,soon noticing all the holes I made."I can't hit a girl!!"He said,running around,then out of no where,I was knocked off of my mallet and bounced on my back.

"But I can."Urameshi,the team's captain said as Kuwabara hugged his knees and rocked back and forth."Oh man..."I groaned as I stood,glancing back at Callie and Keisha to make sure that they weren't trying to kill each other."Hey!Pay attention Shortstack!"Callie shouted at me.Growling,I turned around to see Urameshi about to punch me,but I moved,clumsily so I stumbled a bit.

"Watch it!"I snapped at Callie,my eyes flashed red.Callie and Keisha noticed that,and Callie started taunting me more.Pretty soon,I was pissed,cause you know,I'm sensitive about my height.So I decided to take it out on Urameshi.My spirit energy had taken a dramatic climb and my eyes were  blood red,and now Yusuke looked like a deer in headlights.The last thing I saw was red.

Keisha's POV

"Oh now you've gone and done it...You do realize she'll be exhausted for at least three fights right?"I asked looking down at Callie,who was grinning from ear to ear as she watched Mari destroy the ring and Yusuke.Claws,magic and blood was seen in the ring.And when Yusuke was knocked out into his team,that's when Mari returned to her innocent state."Yeah.But it was worth it."Callie said as Mari stumbled back,panting.

Mari's POV

"You idiot..."I panted as I leaned against Keisha's legs,practically hugging them."Aw shut up I'm pretty s-"Callie began,but Sheila cut her off."Callie VS Kurama!"She announced,and the look on Callie's face was priceless.A mixture of anger and surprise.Anyway,she leapt up to the ring and was immediately face to face with Kurama,or Suichi the second she stood.But luckily,herself and Suichi were standing by Sheila,so it was no problem.As I watched Callie and Kurama leap around,avoiding each other's attacks,I felt someone staring at me.But by the time I looked around,the person who was looking had looked away.

Hiei's POV

"Who knew someone that fragile could wield a mallet ten times bigger than her...?"I wondered out loud as I looked back at Mari."She's p-probaly your long lost sister...Both of you being evil and t-terrifying."Kuwabara said still rocking back and forth."No.I'd remember if I had a long lost sister that looked like her."I said looking back at Yusuke,who was still on his back and trying to sit up."Callie! Don't kill him!"Mari said as she stood."Why not?It's the Dark Tournament.At least one of the greats die."Callie said swinging her sword around,cutting Kurama's rose whip up.I sighed as Mari tried to persuade Callie not to kill Kurama."Does...Does Shrimp know Kurama or something?"Kuwabara asked standing,Mari automatically infront of him.

"Say one more thing about my height Kuwabara!"She said wielding that giant mallet again."I'm sorry!! Don't kill me!!"Kuwabara shrank back in fear and actually started crying."I'll think about it."Mari turned,and came face to face with me,actually so close that our noses touched."Well at least we're the same height."Mari said backing up."You expected me to be taller?"I asked raising an eyebrow."Well yeah.Everyone I've ever seen has been taller than me.And I'm 19!!"Mari said pouting.I sighed."I know how you feel..."I said looking back at Kurama and Callie,then at Mari again."But...Isn't there a person shorter than you?"Mari asked as her mallet disappeared."Yes but,everyone else is taller."I said watching Kuwabara wipe his tears away.Then two hands were on my shoulders and someone's voice chirped,"You like her!!!"It was Boton.

"W-What?!No I don't!"I defensively said blushing and glaring up at her."Yes you do!You have feelings!!"Boton said bending down,then Yusuke leaned to the side from behind Boton."Yeah other than anger,annoyance and cockiness."

"Mari!Get your ass back to Keisha now!"Callie snapped as she kicked Kurama backwards and out of the ring,currently stomping over to us."Sorry!"Mari immediately teleported back to her side,and I calmed down some.

Mari's POV

Okay okay.Yes I'm scared of Callie.She's like...The devil's daughter!!With flip flops!!"Someone hightailed it back fast."Keisha said kneeling down to face me."You're making me feel short.Get up."I whined as I tried to push her up like a five year old.

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