Chapter 4

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Mari's POV

After taking care of Hiei,I quickly found our discarded items around the ring and Keisha's shoes.I handed those to her and went back to the locker rooms,where I left him.Luckily,he was still unconscious."Thank lord Koenma..."I sighed,throwing his cloak over him,and using leftover bandages,I also covered that third eye as well.

~Mini Time Skip~
I don't know how long I've been sitting here reading.I can't fight,since defending against Hiei drained most of my spirit energy.Then Hiei slowly sat up,looked down at his arm,then looked at me."Your welcome."I said as I watched him button his cloak up."Hn...Give me that."Hiei noticed that his scarf was gone,and was glaring at me for it.I frowned and pushed my index finger against his nose."No.You're going to give me a proper 'Thank You'."I stated,wrapping his scarf around my waist."Now why would I do that?!"Hiei asked following me out of the locker rooms."Because I could've killed you in your sleep or left you lying on the ground!You're welcome!"I snapped,the noise of Hiei's realization was silence."Thank you."He finally said."You're welcome.Now come on.We've missed a lot."I said running towards our team,dragging Hiei along."I see both of you are well correct?"Suichi asked looking down at us."I think so."I looked down at Hiei,who was angrily tugging at his scarf."I still want my scarf woman."He said standing."He's fine."Yusuke,Kuwabara and Kurama said in unison."Okay...So who has the next fight?"I asked looking up at Yusuke.Sheila answered that question immediately."Yusuke VS Jin!"She announced into the mic,Yusuke leaping to the ring."Does that answer your question?"Kuwabara asked.

"Yup.Now,you said you wanted something?"I looked at Hiei again."My scarf."He said grabbing the fabric around my waist."Well unless you can be polite until this fight is over,you're not getting this back."I growled,staring into his crimson eyes as he stared into my bluish green ones."Fine.Have it your way."Hiei let go and sat on the ground.

Hiei's POV

I never noticed how close we were until I let go,Mari smiling and stretching."You like her!!!!"Botan screamed behind me,causing Mari to jump like a frightened cat,into my arms."No I don't.She has something I want,and I intend to get it back."I said dropping her on her back.She landed with a thud,then growled."Right...What thing is so important that it has you actually listening to her?"Botan asked rubbing her chin."The boy just wants his scarf.But I refuse to give it to him unless he's polite until this fight is over."Mari explained standing."There you have it.Now go ride that ridiculous oar around,or whatever you do when you're not bothering us."I waved her off and turned around to ignore them."Grr...For your information Hiei,I actually support your group,care for it and it's members!!"Botan screamed at me."She does have a point Three Eyes."Mari said teleporting in my path."Sure she does.Why do we need her anyways?Her job is the Grim Reaper,not our mascot."I pointed out.Mari grabbed my collar and slapped me,everyone who noticed it,were quiet."We need her because she's a supportive friend you dimwit!!Would you keep going if you knew no one was supporting you?!"She screamed at me.I stared at her in silence and shock as she glared at me,seeming to burn holes into my skull."Well?!"She angrily pushed back,her standing while I was balancing on one foot."I apologize."I sighed,Mari letting go,me falling with a thud instead."So how about now?Do you like her?"Botan towered over me."Silence....If you tell anyone,I'll gut you like a fish."I growled as I sat up,pointing at her.She made a high pitched noise and hugged me,squeezing the life out of me."Let...Go of me woman!!"I pushed against her until she let go,and by then I was almost purple.

Mari's POV

"Grr..."I crossed my arms over my chest and continued to watch Yusuke and Jin attempt to destroy each other."Did...You just slap Hiei?"Suichi asked looking down at me in disbelief."What else was I supposed to do?!Give him chocolates?!"I asked glaring up at him."Aw,what'd he do?"Callie asked twirling my hair around."Don't touch my hair."I said slapping Callie's hand away.

After I slapped her hand away,I looked back to see Hiei rubbing his cheek and Botan bothering him.Then Botan was in front of me,shaking me around."That was a little harsh don't you think so?!"She asked picking me up by my collar."Put me down!!He deserved that!"I snapped at her."Geez you're like an angry toddler..."Botan dropped me and bent down."Well this toddler feels no regret or guilt!Three Eyes had it coming!"I said,then stomped back to the locker rooms.

Kurama's POV

"You really upset her."I said looking down at Hiei.He sighed and looked up at me,showing signs of sadness in his eyes."I'm aware of that Kurama..."He sighed."Ah you like her?"I asked,smiling."That's preposterous Kurama!"Hiei insisted crossing her arms.I sighed and bent down to face him."You need to apologize for your actions.To both Botan and Mari."I said rubbing my neck.Then I found one of the roses."With what a Kurama rose?"Hiei asked looking at the rose I held."Not any rose.Use your spirit energy to feed the rose until it turns a different color.Girls love flowers."I said chuckling a little.Hiei snatched the rose and his dark aura glowed around him and the flower,setting it ablaze with fire,then the flames ceased,showing a bluish green rose.

The color of Mari's eyes.

Mari's POV

I sat in the locker rooms reading until  I heard the door open.I looked up,hoping to see the girl with blue hair and the pink eyes,but instead,it was Hiei."What do you want Three Eyes?"I growled.Hiei sighed and sat next to me."I apologize for my actions,and..."He trailed off and held a rose out,a rose the exact color of my eyes."Aw!It takes a real man to apologize Hiei."I said smiling as I took the rose and pinned it under a tuft of hair."Yeah whatever..."Hiei crossed his arms and looked away,blushing a bit."And because of this nice gesture,"I stood and untied his scarf from my waist."You get this back."I wrapped it around his neck and disappeared out the door.

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