Chapter 11

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DST1: ch 11

    I lay  in bed not wanting to get up being its the weekend. Luckily I don't really have any homework, so that makes it easier. I just listen to the sound of people talking downstairs, and soak in my dark room. Bear jumps on my bed laying down next to me resting his head on my stomach. I smile scratching his head without a care in the world. My phone buzzes on my nightstand making me groan. I reach of it trying not to make Bear have to move. I grab my phone only to see a text from Mikey. The smallest smile ever known to man makes its way on my lips as I read it. All it says is good morning, but that's it just those two words.

I don't respond yet having nothing to say. I then force myself to get up because I know Bear has to go outside. He jumps off my bed heading to the door. I push the sheets off me, and get up only to step on cloth. I look down to a black, blood covered, tee shirt. I pick it up bringing it to my nose. Other than the burning smell of the dry blood is Mason's scent. I can't help but smile from it before putting it under my bed, and hurry to go downstairs.

    Before doing anything for myself I let Bear out, who quickly does what he needs to. My mind races with the conversation with the girls last night. Bear comes back in, and I shut the door as the cold air blows against my skin creating goosebumps. I sigh as I sit at the table, that has pancakes along with other big breakfast foods on it, and I feel Seth studying me as I sit. I look to him quick before grabbing a plate and putting food on it.

    "Is he playing me?" I ask. Seth coughs trying not to choke on his food as the words leave my mouth.

    "Why would you think that?" He asks not looking at me. I narrow my eyes on him and I feel our dad  doing the same.

   "Seth, he better not be playing your sister." Dad says in a stern voice. Seth looks to our dad before looking to me.

    "Honestly, I don't think so. I asked him and he told me he wasn't, but I know he did used to be a player. He and the team would make bets, but he hasn't done that in a while." Seth says guilt on his face. I just nod my head and start eating my breakfast.

"You better find out." Our dad says sternly to Seth as his eyes narrows on him.


    Walking Bear to get some fresh air and free my mind I shiver from the cold. I breathe out into the air, and I can see it. I look down to Bear sighing. "What do you think?" I ask him. He looks to me meeting my eyes before looking back to the way we are heading.

    "Why are you talking to a dog?" I hear a voice ask. I look up frightened to see a guy, he is familiar though. He has his hood covering his head, which also covers his face. I just stare at him as my heart stops for a second.

"Who are you?" I ask holding back Bear, who wants to adventure closer. The guys chuckles taking his hood off his head as he steps forward. He has dark brown hair and his eyes are a dark blue, which I can see from the streetlight.

"The name is Drake Adams. You must be Dylan Knight." He smiles at me. My eyes widen as nerves bundle up in my stomach. How does he know me? "Do me a favor and keep a close eye on your boyfriend. I've heard some rumors, and I would hate for them to be true."

"What are you talking about?" He gives me a pointed look and my eyes widen realizing what he mean. "H-"

    "Don't ask." He cuts me off. "Also stay away from Mason, but I know you are too stupid to listen." He sighs the last part to himself. I narrow my eyes at him.

    "I'm not stupid." I argue. Drake rolls his eyes at me, making me cross my arms over my chest.

"Thank you." He says. I look at him confused as I feel my eyebrows furrow together. "For helping him, and letting him spend the night." He clarifies before he turns, and walks away. He leaves me standing there stunned, and I want to go after him. A nagging voice in the back of my head telling me not to follow, and to head home. I sigh before looking to to Bear, who is watching me with his big brown eyes. I smile down at him before heading back home. I hurry home to get inside from the cold faster.

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